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CANCELLED 97800 SMPP 4900 10 Management ConsultingPracticum 3.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97037 SMPP 4900 80 Corp. Governance and Ethics 3.00 Radin, T MON 113 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 97782 SMPP 4900 81 Impact Investment 3.00 Forrer, J DUQUES 360 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 97786 SMPP 4900 82 Strategic Networking 3.00 Walter, J DUQUES 651 R
04:30PM - 07:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 96531 SMPP 4995 10 Independent Study ARR Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 97039 SMPP 6202 10 Business-Government Relations 0.00 OR 3.00 Radin, T FNGR 221 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 94335 SMPP 6215 80 Corporate Governance and Ethics 3.00 Radin, T MON 113 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

CANCELLED 97040 SMPP 6241 10 Global Corporate Responsibility 3.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97783 SMPP 6290 81 Impact Investment 3.00 Forrer, J DUQUES 360 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 97041 SMPP 6290 82 Strategic Networking 3.00 Walter, J DUQUES 651 R
04:30PM - 07:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 90689 SMPP 6298 10 Directed Readings and Research 1.00 TO 6.00 Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 93240 SMPP 6298 11 Directed Readings and Research 1.00 TO 6.00 Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 90690 SMPP 6999 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97384 SMPP 8331 10 Doctoral Seminar 3.00 Walter, J DUQUES 255 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 90553 SMPP 8998 10 Advanced Readings and Research ARR Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 90691 SMPP 8999 10 Dissertation Research ARR Martin, K 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 11:52:06 AM

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