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OPEN 93309 PUBH 0920 10 Continuing Research - Master's 1.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 93308 PUBH 0940 10 Continuing Research - Doctoral 1.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19

WAITLIST 91513 PUBH 1101 10 Introduction to Public Health and Health Services 3.00 Gray, E GWSPH 600A TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

WAITLIST 92588 PUBH 1101 11 Introduction to Public Health and Health Services 3.00 Henry, T GWSPH 500A T
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon

OPEN 93884 PUBH 1101 12 Introduction to Public Health and Health Services 3.00 Riegelman, R GWSPH 600A MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

WAITLIST 95504 PUBH 1101 13 Introduction to Public Health and Health Services 3.00 Beckerman, J GWSPH B100B TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon

WAITLIST 96232 PUBH 1102 10 History of Public Health 3.00 Ruiz, M GWSPH 600A TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon

WAITLIST 94419 PUBH 1102 11 History of Public Health 3.00 Beckerman, J GWSPH 500A W
09:35AM - 12:05PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon

OPEN 91499 PUBH 2110 10 Public Health Biology 3.00 Barberio, M GWSPH 200A MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon

CLOSED 97656 PUBH 2110 11 Public Health Biology 3.00 Dunham, B GWSPH 300A T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon

OPEN 91510 PUBH 2112 10 Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion 3.00 Hasbrouck, M GWSPH 400A TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 95040 PUBH 2112 11 Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion 3.00 Henry, T GWSPH 600A MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prerequisite 1101. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

CANCELLED 97650 PUBH 3116 10 Global Health Systems Performance 3.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Preprq ECON 1011 Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 96206 PUBH 3130 10 Health Services Management and Economics 3.00 Anderson, D GWSPH 600B MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prereq ECON 1011 Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 91900 PUBH 3130 11 Health Services Management and Economics 3.00 Anderson, D GWSPH 600B MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prerequisite ECON 1011. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 92154 PUBH 3131 10 Epidemiology: Measuring Health and Disease 3.00 Riegelman, R GWSPH 600A MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prerequisites STAT 1051, 1053 or 1127. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 95041 PUBH 3131 11 Epidemiology: Measuring Health and Disease 3.00 Ulfers, M GWSPH 300B TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prerequisites STAT 1051, 1053 or 1127. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 97651 PUBH 3131 12 Epidemiology: Measuring Health and Disease 3.00 Quinlan, S GWSPH 600A MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Prerequisites STAT 1051, 1053 or 1127. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

OPEN 92317 PUBH 3132 10 Health and Environment 3.00 Attene Ramos, M GWSPH 500A R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

CLOSED 96207 PUBH 3132 11 Health and Environment 3.00 Attene Ramos, M GWSPH 400A T
09:35AM - 12:05PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/18. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/19 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all students on 4/22 at 12 Noon.

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 02:52:06 PM

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