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CANCELLED 95231 ANTH 1000 10 Substances and Society 3.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on

OPEN 97399 ANTH 1000 11 TheAnthropologyoftheCell Phone 3.00 Dent, A PHIL 640 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on

OPEN 90025 ANTH 1001 10 Biological Anthropology 4.00 Bradley, B FNGR 103 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ANTH 1001.30-.44.
Anth Course Fee  $50.00

OPEN 90028 ANTH 1002 10 Sociocultural Anthropology 3.00 Grinker, R 1957 E 213 MW
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: ANTH 1002.30-.43.

OPEN 96653 ANTH 1002 11 Sociocultural Anthropology 3.00 Miller, B FNGR 208 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

CLOSED 90031 ANTH 1003 10 Archaeology 3.00 Cline, E MPA B07 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: ANTH 1003.30-.35.

OPEN 93731 ANTH 1005 10 The Biological Bases of Human Behavior 4.00 Murray, C FNGR 210 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: ANTH 1005.30 - .32.

OPEN 93374 ANTH 2008 80 Foundations of Anthropological Thought 3.00 Wagner, S TOMP 107 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList Linked
Comments: Registration restricted to Anthropology and Archaeology majors and minors only. Also register for discussion section ANTH 2008.30. This course is also available as a WID: see ANTH 2008W.80.

OPEN 92155 ANTH 2008W 80 Foundations of Anthropology 3.00 Wagner, S TOMP 107 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList Linked
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Registration restricted to Anthropology and Archaeology majors only. Also register for discussion section ANTH 2008W.30.

OPEN 93419 ANTH 2506 80 Religion, Myth, and Magic 3.00 Johnston, S 1957 E 214 WF
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

OPEN 97680 ANTH 2822 10 Archaeology in Film and Television 3.00 Johnston, S BELL 104 WF
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

CLOSED 97710 ANTH 3407 10 Conservation in a Changing World: Human and Animal Behavior 3.00 Chapman, C MON 115 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

CANCELLED 94187 ANTH 3412 10 Hominin Evolution 3.00 08/26/19 - 12/09/19 Linked
Comments: Also register for laboratory section: ANTH 3412.30 or .31.
Anth Course Fee  $20.00

OPEN 97400 ANTH 3491 10 Great Apes:Behavior&Evolution 3.00 Lee, S FNGR 220 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97347 ANTH 3491 80 Evolution of Human Diets 3.00 Brooks, A 1957 E 313 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

CLOSED 95936 ANTH 3501 10 Anthropology of Development 3.00 Ali, S COR 103 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 95144 ANTH 3503 10 Psychological Anthropology 3.00 Grinker, R 1957 E 214 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97350 ANTH 3531 10 Methods in Sociocultural Anthropology 3.00 Ali, S PHIL 416 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19

OPEN 97401 ANTH 3601 80 Language,Culture, andCognition 3.00 Dent, A BELL 104 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList
Anth Course Fee  $20.00

OPEN 96143 ANTH 3691 80 Anthropology of Religion 3.00 Kuipers, J FNGR 208 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/26/19 - 12/09/19 XList

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 11:52:06 AM

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