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CANCELLED 23633 ENGL 1000 10 Brief Prose Forms 3.00 08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on http://go.gwu.edu/ccasdeansseminars

OPEN 22851 ENGL 1000 11 What's New About New Plays 3.00 Schreiber, E ROME B103 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on http://go.gwu.edu/ccasdeansseminars

CANCELLED 27199 ENGL 1000 12 Travel&ModernityinInt.Lit&Film 3.00 08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on http://go.gwu.edu/ccasdeansseminars

CANCELLED 27200 ENGL 1000 13 Trauma and Violence 3.00 08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on http://go.gwu.edu/ccasdeansseminars

OPEN 22315 ENGL 1210 10 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Saalfeld, D BELL 309
BELL 104
11:10AM - 12:25PM
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 22316 ENGL 1210 11 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Trainer, M 1957 E 313 TR
08:00AM - 09:15AM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 22317 ENGL 1210 12 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Hartman, V 1957 E 308 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 22318 ENGL 1210 13 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Brown, T 1957 E 308 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 22320 ENGL 1210 14 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Brown, N PHIL 348 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 22319 ENGL 1210 15 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Von Euw, M 1957 E 314 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 23231 ENGL 1210 16 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Payne, L 1957 E 308 MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 23068 ENGL 1210 17 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Close, J LISH 335 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

OPEN 27201 ENGL 1210 18 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Hamburger, A 1957 E 309 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 27202 ENGL 1210 19 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 McCloskey, M LISH 335 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

WAITLIST 27203 ENGL 1210 20 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Close, J 1957 E 308 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

OPEN 24276 ENGL 1315 10 Literature and the Financial Imagination 3.00 Keller, K FNGR 210 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

OPEN 25523 ENGL 1360 10 Fantasy And Speculative Fiction 3.00 Chu, P DUQUES 251 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18

OPEN 25524 ENGL 1410W 10 Introduction to English Literature I 3.00 Grisham-Webber, L FNGR 210 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 25525 ENGL 1410W 11 Introduction to English Literature I 3.00 Carter, G PHIL 109 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 25526 ENGL 1411W 10 Introduction to English Literature II 3.00 Wallace, T PHIL 217 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/27/18 - 12/10/18
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

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Last Revised : Nov 10, 2024 11:01:18 PM

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