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CANCELLED 10060 SPHR 1011 20 Voice and Diction 3.00 07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 13007 SPHR 1011 21 Voice and Diction 3.00 Richards, N GOV 102 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14
SpHr Lab Fee  $10.00

CANCELLED 11443 SPHR 1082 10 American Sign Language II 3.00 05/19/14 - 06/28/14

CANCELLED 12541 SPHR 2083 10 American Sign Language III 3.00 05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 11381 SPHR 4196 10 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 Mahshie, J 05/19/14 - 08/23/14

OPEN 10061 SPHR 6201 10 Clinical Practicum - SLP 1.00 Bamdad, M SEE DEPT 05/19/14 - 07/26/14
Comments: See department for meeting time and location.

OPEN 11365 SPHR 6202 20 Clinical Practicum in Audiology 1.00 Bamdad, M 07/07/14 - 08/16/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.
SpHr Lab Fee  $50.00

CLOSED 11444 SPHR 6281 10 Dysphagia 2.00 Martin, S ROME 204 T
05:45PM - 09:00PM
05/19/14 - 07/26/14

OPEN 12097 SPHR 6291 10 AdvncdTpicsinAuralRehabilitati 1.00 Jacobs-Condit, L GOV 325 R
09:15AM - 11:00AM
05/19/14 - 07/26/14

OPEN 11382 SPHR 6295 70 Independent Research in Speech, Language, and Hearing ARR Mahshie, J 05/19/14 - 07/26/14

OPEN 10062 SPHR 6998 70 Thesis Research 2.00 Mahshie, J 05/19/14 - 07/26/14

OPEN 10063 SPHR 6999 70 Thesis Research 2.00 Mahshie, J 05/19/14 - 07/26/14

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 07:52:09 PM

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