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OPEN 10581 PSC 1003 20 Introduction to International Politics 3.00 Olson, L MON 351 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11173 PSC 2101 10 Research Methods 3.00 Wiley, S MON 350 MW
09:35AM - 11:45AM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to juniors and seniors only.

CANCELLED 10474 PSC 2106 20 Major Issues of Western Political Thought 3.00 07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11025 PSC 2212 10 State and Urban Policy Problems 3.00 Betz, R DUQUES 360 TR
02:20PM - 04:40PM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

CANCELLED 12323 PSC 2220 10 Public Opinion 3.00 05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 12326 PSC 2224 20 Politics and Technology 3.00 Michael, G PHIL 217 MW
09:35AM - 11:45AM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11062 PSC 2331 10 Comparative Politics of Central and Eastern Europe 3.00 Wolchik, S 1957 E 316 TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 11482 PSC 2367 10 Human Rights 3.00 Jurkovich, M ROME 351 MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 12328 PSC 2383 20 Comparative Politics of Latin America 3.00 Bauer, K PHIL 217 TR
06:10PM - 08:30PM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11709 PSC 2439 10 International Political Economy 3.00 Mitchell, C MPA 302 TR
06:10PM - 08:30PM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 11174 PSC 2440 20 Theories of International Politics 3.00 Dickson, D MON 352 TR
06:10PM - 08:20PM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11710 PSC 2444 20 Public International Law 3.00 Lupu, Y PHIL 217 TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11449 PSC 2449 20 International Security Politics 3.00 Grynaviski, E PHIL 217 MW
06:10PM - 08:30PM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

OPEN 11711 PSC 2476 10 The Arab-Israeli Conflict 3.00 Finkel, E ROME 351 TR
02:20PM - 04:30PM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 10337 PSC 2987 70 Internship: Political Science 1.00 TO 3.00 Wiley, S 05/19/14 - 08/23/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 12334 PSC 2994 10 Chinese Foreign Policy 3.00 Murphy, D PHIL 217 TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14

OPEN 11713 PSC 2994 20 Conflict and Commerce 3.00 Lupu, Y PHIL 217 TR
02:20PM - 04:30PM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14

CLOSED 10625 PSC 3192W 11 Congressional Leadership 3.00 Dove, R PHIL 217 MW
09:35AM - 11:45AM
05/19/14 - 06/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to juniors and seniors only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 12338 PSC 3192W 20 Crimes Against Humanity 3.00 Powers, S MON 351 TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
07/07/14 - 08/16/14
Comments: Registration restricted to juniors and seniors only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

CANCELLED 10870 PSC 3192W 21 Health Care Policy 3.00 07/07/14 - 08/16/14
Comments: Registration restricted to juniors and seniors only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

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Last Revised : Jan 21, 2025 02:52:01 AM

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