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OPEN 12589 SMPA 2151 10 Research Methods 3.00 Nechushtai, E MPA 308 TR
06:10PM - 08:00PM
05/19/25 - 06/28/25
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OPEN 12805 SMPA 3195 10 Documenting SustainableTourism 3.00 Benitez-Curry, B 05/19/25 - 06/28/25
Comments: This is a faculty-led short-term abroad course, where students will travel to Merida, Mexico from 5/25/25 to 6/14/25. Registration is restricted; students must apply through GW Passport and will pay a program fee to participate. Please contact with questions.
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CCAS Short Term Abroad Course  $5,612.75

OPEN 10208 SMPA 3196 70 Independent Study 3.00 Phalen, P 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Departmental Approval Required; Registration restricted to 1071 Journalism & Mass Comm Majors and 296 Political Communication Majors.
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OPEN 10209 SMPA 3197 70 Internship 1.00 TO 3.00 Phalen, P 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Departmental Approval Required to register. Registration restricted to 296 PCM majors, 1071 JMC majors and JMC minors.
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OPEN 10397 SMPA 6296 70 Directed Readings and Research 3.00 Aday, S 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
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OPEN 10148 SMPA 6297 70 Media Capstone Project 3.00 Aday, S 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.
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OPEN 10149 SMPA 6298 70 Strategic Communication Capstone Project 3.00 Aday, S 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.
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OPEN 10104 SMPA 6999 70 Thesis Research 3.00 Aday, S 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.
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Last Revised : Mar 26, 2025 12:47:14 AM

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