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OPEN 80794 PSC 1001 10 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Teitelbaum, E REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 04:40PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21

OPEN 82623 PSC 1001 20 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Rubio, R REMOTE INSTR TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

OPEN 81214 PSC 1003 20 Introduction to International Politics 3.00 Lenton, A REMOTE INSTR MW
02:30PM - 04:45PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

WAITLIST 80507 PSC 2101 10 Scope and Methods of Political Science 0.00 OR 3.00 Wiley, S REMOTE INSTR MW
01:00PM - 03:15PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21

WAITLIST 81797 PSC 2101 20 Scope and Methods of Political Science 0.00 OR 3.00 Heern, J REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 04:40PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

OPEN 81523 PSC 2106 10 Major Issues of Western Political Thought II 3.00 Goldman, S REMOTE INSTR TR
02:30PM - 04:45PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21

OPEN 81846 PSC 2212 10 State and Urban Policy Problems 3.00 Betz, R REMOTE INSTR TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21

OPEN 82781 PSC 2213 20 Judicial Politics 3.00 Epstein, D REMOTE INSTR MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 82150 PSC 2217 10 Executive Branch Politics 3.00 Betz, R REMOTE INSTR MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21

WAITLIST 82633 PSC 2338 20 Nationalism 3.00 Jap, J REMOTE INSTR TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

CLOSED 81847 PSC 2377 20 Comparative Politics of the Middle East 3.00 Anabtawi, S REMOTE INSTR MW
02:20PM - 04:40PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

OPEN 80964 PSC 2377 80 Comparative Politics of the Middle East 3.00 Kiamie, C REMOTE INSTR MW
06:10PM - 08:20PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21 XList

CLOSED 81883 PSC 2440 20 Theories of Int'l Relations 3.00 Olson, L REMOTE INSTR MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
06/28/21 - 08/07/21

OPEN 80196 PSC 2987 70 Internship: Political Science 1.00 TO 3.00 Wiley, S 05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 81849 PSC 3192W 10 Inequality in the US 3.00 Stoker, R REMOTE INSTR TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 82782 PSC 3192W 11 Democratic Erosion 3.00 Kramon, E REMOTE INSTR MW
02:20PM - 04:40PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 80232 PSC 4991 70 Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Wiley, S 05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 80379 PSC 6377 80 Comp Politics - Middle East 3.00 Kiamie, C REMOTE INSTR MW
06:10PM - 08:20PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 80802 PSC 6987 70 Legal Internship 3.00 Creppell, I 05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 80028 PSC 6996 70 Reading 3.00 Creppell, I 05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

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Last Revised : Aug 31, 2024 09:01:10 PM

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