OPEN 11740 MLS 0190 SBB Blood Banking Exam Review 0.00 Firmani, M; Barnes, B ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11629 MLS 2005 DA Plagues, Pandemics, and Epidemics 3.00 Schwartz, L; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25

OPEN 12052 MLS 2007W DE Microbes and Society 3.00 Firmani, M; Schwartz, L; Cymrot, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25

OPEN 12700 MLS 3003 DE Biochemistry for Laboratory Science 3.00 Lopez Gamboa, G; Rentas, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25

CLOSED 11164 MLS 4116 DA Clinical Bacteriology I 3.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11165 MLS 4116 DA1 Clinical Bacteriology I 3.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11182 MLS 4116 DA2 Clinical Bacteriology I 3.00 Cymrot, C; Oyesanya, R; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

CLOSED 11166 MLS 4117 DB Clinical Bacteriology II 2.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 06/23/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11167 MLS 4117 DB1 Clinical Bacteriology II 2.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 06/23/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11183 MLS 4117 DB2 Clinical Bacteriology II 2.00 Oyesanya, R; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 06/23/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

CLOSED 11741 MLS 4119 DE Parasitology, Mycology, and Virology 2.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C; Kramb, J ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $25.00

OPEN 11742 MLS 4119 DE1 Parasitology, Mycology, and Virology 2.00 Cymrot, C; Kramb, J; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $25.00

OPEN 11744 MLS 4136 DE Clinical Experience I 2.00 Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $65.00

OPEN 11745 MLS 4137 DE Clinical Experience II 2.00 Cymrot, C; Terekhina, O; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $65.00

OPEN 11746 MLS 4138 DE Clinical Experience III 2.00 Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $65.00

OPEN 11747 MLS 4139 DE Clinical Experience IV 2.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C; Terekhina, O ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $65.00

OPEN 11748 MLS 4141 DE Immunology and Serology 3.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C; Kramb, J ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11749 MLS 4158 DE Laboratory Management and Operations 3.00 Kochar, O; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M; Rentas, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11750 MLS 4159 DE Capstone Seminar 1.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $25.00

OPEN 11751 MLS 4160 DE Blood Bank Practicum 4.00 Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 12496 MLS 4160 SLE Blood Bank Practicum 4.00 Cymrot, C; Rentas, C; Firmani, M; Terekhina, O ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $150.00

OPEN 11752 MLS 4161 DE Clinical Biochemistry Practicum 4.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C; Terekhina, O ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 12701 MLS 4161 SLE Clinical Biochemistry Practicum 4.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Rentas, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11843 MLS 4162 DE Hematology Practicum 2.00 Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 12702 MLS 4162 SLE Hematology Practicum 2.00 Rentas, C; Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11753 MLS 4164 DE Clinical Microbiology Practicum 4.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 11754 MLS 4165 DE Urinalysis Practicum 1.00 Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 12703 MLS 4165 SLE Urinalysis Practicum 1.00 Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Rentas, C; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11755 MLS 4166 DE Coagulation Practicum 1.00 Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $50.00

OPEN 12704 MLS 4166 SLE Coagulation Practicum 1.00 Rentas, C; Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12034 MLS 4172 DE Molecular Diagnostics Capstone 3.00 Lopez Gamboa, G; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $15.00

OPEN 12705 MLS 4266 DE Molecular Diagnostics Practicum 6.00 Terekhina, O; Lopez Gamboa, G; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25

OPEN 12716 MLS 4266 SLE Molecular Diagnostics Practicum 6.00 Terekhina, O; Rentas, C; Lopez Gamboa, G; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25

OPEN 11939 MLS 4997 LAB Independent Study in Biomedical Laboratory Science 0.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12815 MLS 4997 MBO Independent Study in Biomedical Laboratory Science 1.00 Cymrot, C; Rentas, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11309 MLS 6116 DA Advanced Clinical Bacteriology I 3.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11310 MLS 6117 DB Advanced Clinical Bacteriology II 2.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 06/23/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11758 MLS 6119 DE Advanced Parasitology, Mycology, and Virology 2.00 Kramb, J; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $35.00

OPEN 11759 MLS 6141 DE Advanced Immunology and Serology 3.00 Contento, A; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11760 MLS 6158 DE Advanced Laboratory Management and Operations 3.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M; Kramb, J ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $35.00

OPEN 11762 MLS 6209 WR Clinicl Pract:Blood BankingIII 5.00 Firmani, M; Turcan, W ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11763 MLS 6212 WR Organization and Management of Blood Banks 3.00 Turcan, W; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 10463 MLS 6213 DB Seminar in Immunohematology 2.00 Rentas, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 06/23/25 - 08/16/25

OPEN 11764 MLS 6214 WR Specialized Practicum 4.00 Turcan, W; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11765 MLS 6217 DE Medical Biotechnology 3.00 Firmani, M; Ganjoo, R ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $45.00

OPEN 11766 MLS 6242 DE Molecular Pathology 3.00 Firmani, M; Abadie, J ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $25.00

OPEN 11767 MLS 6243 DE Education and Assessment in MLS 3.00 Rentas, C; Ganjoo, R; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $25.00

OPEN 11846 MLS 6244 DE Research Ethics and Integrity 3.00 Schwartz, L; Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25

OPEN 11770 MLS 6245 BLS Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Science 3.00 Firmani, M; Ganjoo, R ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12366 MLS 6245 CLM Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Science 3.00 Firmani, M; Rentas, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11769 MLS 6245 LM Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Science 3.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12349 MLS 6245 MDX Current Topics in Medical Laboratory Science 3.00 Lopez Gamboa, G; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11773 MLS 6246 BLS Capstone Project 3.00 Firmani, M; Ganjoo, R ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11771 MLS 6246 CLM Capstone Project 3.00 Firmani, M; Rentas, C ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11772 MLS 6246 LM Capstone Project 3.00 Cymrot, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 11774 MLS 6247 DE Advanced Clinical Biochemistry Practicum 2.00 Firmani, M; Terekhina, O; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $70.00

OPEN 11775 MLS 6248 DE Advanced Blood Bank Practicum 2.00 Cymrot, C; Terekhina, O; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $60.00

OPEN 11776 MLS 6249 DE Advanced Coagulation Practicum 1.00 Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $60.00

OPEN 11777 MLS 6250 DE Advanced Hematology Practicum 1.00 Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $60.00

OPEN 11891 MLS 6251 CM Advanced Clinical Microbiology Practicum 2.00 Terekhina, O; Firmani, M ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $180.00

OPEN 11778 MLS 6251 LM Advanced Clinical Microbiology Practicum 2.00 Firmani, M; Cymrot, C; Terekhina, O ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $70.00

OPEN 11779 MLS 6252 DE Advanced Urinalysis Practicum 1.00 Terekhina, O; Firmani, M; Cymrot, C ON LINE 04/28/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $60.00

OPEN 11855 MLS 6995 WR Advanced Independent Research in Biomedical Laboratory Science 1.00 Firmani, M; Rentas, F ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12151 MLS 6997 IB Advanced Independent Study in Biomedical Laboratory Science 1.00 Firmani, M; Ganjoo, R 04/28/25 - 06/21/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

OPEN 12351 MLS 8002 DE Personnel Management in the Clinical Laboratory 3.00 Rentas, C; Firmani, M ON LINE 05/05/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: For BLS department students only.

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Printed on :Mar 19, 2025 - 12:00:28 PM
Last Revised : Mar 19, 2025 11:47:13 AM

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