OPEN 51861 HOL 6101 LW Research and Independent Study 3.00 Khilji, S ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

OPEN 51863 HOL 6101 LW1 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Storberg-Walker, J ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

OPEN 51864 HOL 6101 LW2 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Nakamura, Y ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

OPEN 51865 HOL 6101 LW3 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Ray, S ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

CANCELLED 50730 HOL 6700 LW Human Behavior and Learning in Organizations 3.00 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 50731 HOL 6701 LW Adult Learning 3.00 Ray, S ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 50991 HOL 6702 LW Organizational Change 3.00 Vona, M ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 53090 HOL 6702 LW1 Organizational Change 3.00 Bogosian, R 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning majors.

CLOSED 50282 HOL 6704 LM Leadership in Organizations 3.00 Goldman, E W
12:30PM - 05:00PM
05/01/23 - 06/10/23
Comments: This course intended for Master Teacher Leadership Development cohort students only.

CANCELLED 50732 HOL 6704 LW Leadership in Organizations 3.00 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 52817 HOL 6706 LW Current Issues in Organizational Leadership 3.00 Callanan, M ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 51168 HOL 6709 LW Leadership Development 3.00 March, R ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

CANCELLED 52505 HOL 6724 LW Increasing the Capacity to Learn 3.00 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

OPEN 51869 HOL 6725 LW Internship in Organizational Leadership and Learning 3.00 Ray, S ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

OPEN 51870 HOL 6725 LW1 Internship in Organizational Leadership and Learning 3.00 Trivedi, C ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23

OPEN 50729 HOL 6746 LW Work Groups and Teams in Organizations 3.00 Callanan, M ON LINE 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Organizational Leadership and Learning students only.

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Printed on :Feb 8, 2025 - 07:51:32 AM
Last Revised : Feb 8, 2025 06:52:08 AM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000