OPEN 62195 EDUC 0920 AE Continuing Research - Master's 1.00 Nganga, C ON LINE 03/06/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for Educational Leadership and Administration distance students only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 61630 EDUC 0920 AX Continuing Research - Master's 1.00 Trimmer, L SEE DEPT 03/06/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This course intended for Alexandria Educational Leadership and Administration students only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 61702 EDUC 0940 AA Continuing Research: Doctoral 1.00 Sherrill, K SEE DEPT 01/09/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This course intended for Alexandria Educational Administration and Policy Studies doctoral students only. Contact instructor for details.

CLOSED 63005 EDUC 0940 AA1 Continuing Research: Doctoral 1.00 Swayze, S 01/09/23 - 04/29/23

OPEN 61126 EDUC 0940 AH Continuing Research: Doctoral 1.00 Nganga, C HAMPTN HRC 01/09/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This course intended for this Hampton Roads Educational Administration and Policy Studies doctoral students only. Contact instructor for details.

OPEN 62204 EDUC 6101 AE1 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Nganga, C ON LINE 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 62205 EDUC 6101 AE2 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Nganga, C ON LINE 03/06/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 60979 EDUC 6101 AX1 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Trimmer, L SEE DEPT 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: This course intended for Alexandria Educational Leadership and Administration students only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 61973 EDUC 6101 AX2 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Trimmer, L SEE DEPT 03/06/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: This course intended for Alexandria Educational Leadership and Administration students only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 60915 EDUC 6101 ET Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Milman, N 01/18/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for Educational Technology Leadership students. Undergraduate students may not register for this course.

OPEN 67669 EDUC 6101 ET1 Research and Independent Study 1.00 Watkins, R ON LINE 01/18/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for Educational Technology Leadership students. Undergraduate students may not register for this course.

CLOSED 63969 EDUC 6114 AE Introduction to Quantitative Research 3.00 ON LINE 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for Educational Leadership and Administration distance students only.

OPEN 61561 EDUC 6114 DE Introduction to Quantitative Research 3.00 Cahill, A ON LINE 01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for GSEHD off-campus or online students only.

OPEN 63970 EDUC 6114 ET Introduction to Quantitative Research 3.00 Watkins, R ON LINE 01/18/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for Educational Technology Leadership distance students only. Graduate and non-degree students from other GSEHD programs contact to register. Undergraduate students may not register for this course.

CLOSED 66169 EDUC 6116 AD Introduction to Educational Statistics 3.00 Choi, J ON LINE W
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course with synchronous meetings. Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration doctoral students only. This course intended for online cohort 2 students only. Contact instructor for more information.

CANCELLED 67671 EDUC 6232 AW Supervision of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 3.00 03/06/23 - 04/29/23
Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for DCPS cohort 1 students only. Contact for meeting dates and location.

OPEN 66669 EDUC 6236 AX School Law and Policy 3.00 Sherrill, K ALEX 212 W
05:30PM - 09:30PM
01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for Alexandria campus students only.

CANCELLED 67673 EDUC 6238 AW Leadership for Equity and Social Justice 3.00 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for DCPS cohort 1 students only. Contact for meeting dates and location.

OPEN 66670 EDUC 6240 AE Instructional Leadership for School Improvement 3.00 Joppy, D ON LINE 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for distance students only.

OPEN 66173 EDUC 6240 AE1 Instructional Leadership for School Improvement 3.00 Tekleselassie, A ON LINE 01/09/23 - 03/04/23
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for distance students only.

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Printed on :Feb 15, 2025 - 02:27:38 PM
Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 01:52:06 PM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000