CANCELLED 21710 IAFF 2040 DE Global Investigations 1.00 06/27/22 - 08/06/22
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 22545 IAFF 2040 DE2 Global Investigations 1.00 Donaghue, J ON LINE 06/27/22 - 08/06/22
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 22105 IAFF 2101 DE International Affairs Research Methods 3.00 Greiff, J ON LINE TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 22106 IAFF 3172 DE Conflict and Conflict Resolution 3.00 Lazarus, E ON LINE TR
01:00PM - 03:15PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 22297 IAFF 6118 DE Applied Qual Methods 3.00 Greiff, J ON LINE W
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session

OPEN 21559 IAFF 6173 DE Security and Development 3.00 Harvey, M ON LINE T
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

WAITLIST 21773 IAFF 6186 DE Emerging Threats 3.00 Williams, P ON LINE T
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course.

WAITLIST 21988 IAFF 6186 DE1 Cybersecurity 3.00 Siers, R ON LINE R
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 21560 IAFF 6186 DE2 Insurgency & CounterInsurgency 3.00 Gavrilis, J ON LINE W
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 21818 IAFF 6216 DE EconomicToolsforGlobalPolicy 3.00 Sorurbakhsh, L ON LINE M
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 22889 IAFF 6502 DE Intro to R 1.00 Antenangeli, L ON LINE S
09:00AM - 04:00PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: This course meets: 06/04 and 06/11. Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 21106 IAFF 6503 18 Non-Violent Communication 1.00 Al-Zyoud, N ON LINE US
10:00AM - 05:00PM
07/09/22 - 07/10/22
Comments: This course meets: 07/09 and 07/10. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 22894 IAFF 6503 DE Monitoring & Evaluation 1.00 Greiff, J ON LINE S
09:00AM - 04:00PM
06/27/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course meets: 07/09 and 07/16. Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 20674 IAFF 6503 DE1 Political Risk Analysis 1.00 Murphy, R ON LINE T
07:10PM - 09:00PM
05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course meets: 06/07, 06/14, 06/21, 06/28, 07/05, and 07/12. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 21991 IAFF 6504 DE Int Proficiency - Spanish 1.00 Vidal Gandia, M ON LINE TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
06/27/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. Departmental approval required to register. For registration information, contact This is a distance learning course.

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Printed on :Feb 8, 2025 - 07:14:51 AM
Last Revised : Feb 8, 2025 06:52:08 AM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000