OPEN 83851 INTM 6101 DA Nutrition I: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention 3.00 Rasgus, S; Corr, P; Trask, M; Frame, L; Wendt, J; Gabel, L ON LINE 08/26/24 - 10/19/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only. This course requires instructor approval.

OPEN 83852 INTM 6102 DB Nutrition II: Life Cycle 3.00 Rasgus, S; Corr, P; Trask, M; Frame, L; Wendt, J; Mislevy, L ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 84263 INTM 6105 DA Advanced Nutrition: Biochemistry 3.00 Crowninshield, C; Frame, L; Trask, M; Zakaria, L; Corr, P; Rasgus, S; Herb, K ON LINE 08/26/24 - 10/19/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 86874 INTM 6200 DE Foundations of Integrative Medicine Research 2.00 Wieland, L; Frame, L; Trask, M; Corr, P; Rasgus, S ON LINE 08/26/24 - 12/08/24

OPEN 83850 INTM 6201 DA Foundations in Integrative Medicine 3.00 Rasgus, S; Frame, L; Trask, M; Corr, P ON LINE 08/26/24 - 10/19/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82519 INTM 6202 DB Self-Care Methods for Health Care Professionals 2.00 Frame, L; Dawson, D; Rasgus, S; Dyer, K; Corr, P; Trask, M ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82559 INTM 6210 DE Practical Application of Integrative Medicine I 3.00 Frame, L; Rasgus, S; Corr, P; Trask, M; Warren, A; Heyman, A ON LINE 08/26/24 - 12/08/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82697 INTM 6212 DB Clinical Research in Integrative Medicine 3.00 Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Croy, T; Frame, L; Ricotta, E; Corr, P ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

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Printed on :Sep 1, 2024 - 02:39:40 AM
Last Revised : Sep 1, 2024 02:01:20 AM

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