Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for Loudoun County cohort students only. Contact instructor for more information.
Comments: This course intended for Educational Leadership and Administration students only. This course intended for Loudoun County cohort students only. Departmental approval required to register. This course meets: 4/25, 6/13 and 8/1. Contact instructor for more information.
S 10:45AM - 05:00PM AND S 10:45AM - 05:00PM AND S 10:45AM - 05:00PM AND S 10:45AM - 05:00PM
04/29/22 - 08/13/22
Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration doctoral students only. This course intended for Loudoun County cohort 9 students only.This course meets: 4/30, 6/4, 7/9 and 7/30, with additional online meetings assigned. Contact instructor for information.
S 08:30AM - 10:00AM AND S 08:30AM - 10:00AM AND S 08:30AM - 10:00AM AND S 08:30AM - 10:00AM
04/29/22 - 08/13/22
Comments: Registration restricted to Educational Leadership and Administration doctoral students only. This course intended for Loudoun County cohort 9 students only. This course meets: 4/30, 6/4, 7/9 and 7/30, with additional online meetings as assigned. Contact instructor for information.