Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and Nutr students 4/21 at noon. Registration open to all on 4/24 at noon.
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and Nutr students 4/21 at noon. Registration open to all on 4/24 at noon.
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and Nutr students 4/21 at noon. Registration open to all on 4/24 at noon.
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and Nutr students 4/21 at noon. Registration open to all on 4/24 at noon.
Comments: Prereq: BISC 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1111, 1112, OR HONR 1033 (Scientific Reasoning - Biology ONLY). Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20 Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: Prereq/coreq: PUBH 1101. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: /coreq:Prereq: PUBH 1101. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: Prereq: ECON 1011. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 PM. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 PM.
Comments: Prereq: ECON 1011. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: Prereq: PUBH 2142 (required for PUBH majors) OR STAT 1051, 1053,, 1111 or 1127. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: Prereq: PUBH 2142 (required for PUBH majors) OR STAT 1051, 1053, 1111, or 1127 Restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20 Opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at noon Opens to all 4/24 at noon
Comments: Prereq: PUBH 2142 (required for PUBH majors) OR STAT 1051, 1053,, 1111 or 1127. Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.
Comments: Registration restricted to PUBH majors & minors thru 4/20. Registration opens to EXSC and NS students 4/21 at 12 Noon. Registration will open to all on 4/24 at 12 Noon.