OPEN 31609 EMSE 2705 80 Mathematics of Operations Research 3.00 Abeledo, H BELL 106 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.
OPEN 31610 EMSE 6705 80 Mathematics in Operations Research 3.00 Abeledo, H BELL 106 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 33495 EMSE 3815 80 Requirements Analysis and Elicitation 3.00 Santos, J TOMP 405 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.
OPEN 36997 EMSE 6815 80 Requirements Engineering 3.00 Santos, J TOMP 405 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 33499 EMSE 3820 10 Project Management for Engineering Systems 3.00 Barbera, J TOMP 201 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.
OPEN 34921 EMSE 6820 10 Program and Project Management 3.00 Barbera, J TOMP 201 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 32477 EMSE 3855W 10 Critical Infrastructure Systems 3.00 Francis, R TOMP 205 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.

OPEN 31478 EMSE 4191 10 Systems Engineer Sen Proj II 3.00 Mazzuchi, T; Santos, J TOMP 201 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.

OPEN 31155 EMSE 4198 10 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37871 EMSE 4198 11 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37872 EMSE 4198 12 Research 3.00 Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37873 EMSE 4198 13 Research 3.00 Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 37874 EMSE 4198 14 Research 3.00 Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37876 EMSE 4198 15 Research 3.00 Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register

OPEN 37877 EMSE 4198 16 Research 3.00 Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register

OPEN 37879 EMSE 4198 17 Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37880 EMSE 4198 18 Research 3.00 Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37881 EMSE 4198 19 Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 37882 EMSE 4198 20 Research 3.00 Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 38168 EMSE 4198 21 Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 31068 EMSE 4410 80 Engineering Economic Analysis 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 405 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.
CLOSED 31199 EMSE 6410 80 Survey of Finance and Engineering Economics 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 405 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 37883 EMSE 4571 10 Introduction to Programming for Analytics 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 208 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 33496 EMSE 4765 80 Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE undergraduate students only.
OPEN 34476 EMSE 6765 80 Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 33497 EMSE 4770 80 Techniques of Risk Analysis and Management 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V TOMP 201 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 31388 EMSE 6770 80 Techniques of Risk Anlys & Mgt 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V TOMP 201 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CLOSED 31132 EMSE 6001 10 The Management of Technical Organizations 3.00 Ozcanli, S MON 250 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 34452 EMSE 6005 10 Organizational Behavior for the Engineering Manager 3.00 Green, A ROME 204 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CANCELLED 38381 EMSE 6026 10 Technical Enterprises 3.00 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30133 EMSE 6099 10 Problems in Engineering Mgt 3.00 Deason, J SMTH 120 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38462 EMSE 6115 80 Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 32121 APSC 3115 80 Engineering Analysis III 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36516 EMSE 6200 80 Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management 3.00 Cascio, J GELM 609 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Only EMSE students can register for this section
OPEN 38463 EMSE 6200 81 Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management 3.00 Cascio, J W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38463 EMSE 6200 81 Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management 3.00 Cascio, J W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 36516 EMSE 6200 80 Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management 3.00 Cascio, J GELM 609 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CANCELLED 38169 EMSE 6220 81 Environmental Management 3.00 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38170 EMSE 6245 80 Analytical Tools for Environmental Management 3.00 Deason, J TOMP 306 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to EMSE students only.
OPEN 38171 EMSE 6245 81 Analytical Tools for Environmental Management 3.00 Deason, J TOMP 306 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38171 EMSE 6245 81 Analytical Tools for Environmental Management 3.00 Deason, J TOMP 306 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 38170 EMSE 6245 80 Analytical Tools for Environmental Management 3.00 Deason, J TOMP 306 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38172 EMSE 6260 80 Energy Management 3.00 Yuzugullu, E SEH 7040 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Only EMSE students can register for this section
OPEN 38173 EMSE 6260 81 Energy Management 3.00 Yuzugullu, E SEH 7040 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38173 EMSE 6260 81 Energy Management 3.00 Yuzugullu, E SEH 7040 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 38172 EMSE 6260 80 Energy Management 3.00 Yuzugullu, E SEH 7040 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CANCELLED 33498 EMSE 6300 10 Homeland Security: The National Challenge 3.00 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30850 EMSE 6310 10 Information Technology in Crisis and Emergency Management 3.00 Jachimowicz, A BELL 109 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31530 EMSE 6325 10 Med/Pub Health Emerg Mgmt 3.00 Barbera, J GOV 102 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36979 EMSE 6345 10 Building the Resilient Organization: Continuity, Crisis and Disaster Recovery Management 3.00 Disraelly, D TOMP 206 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CLOSED 31199 EMSE 6410 80 Survey of Finance and Engineering Economics 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 405 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 31068 EMSE 4410 80 Engineering Economic Analysis 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 405 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 37924 EMSE 6420 10 Uncertainty Analysis in Cost Engineering 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 406 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 35574 EMSE 6575 10 Applied Machine Learning for Analytics 3.00 Harvey, B LISH 335 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36822 EMSE 6586 80 Data Management Systems for Data Analytics 3.00 Klein, J SEH 4040 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to Data Analytics majors only.
OPEN 36823 CSCI 6907 83 Data Mgt Sys for DataAnalytics 3.00 Klein, J SEH 4040 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 37012 CSCI 3907 84 Data Mgt Sys for DataAnalytics 3.00 Klein, J SEH 4040 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31610 EMSE 6705 80 Mathematics in Operations Research 3.00 Abeledo, H BELL 106 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 31609 EMSE 2705 80 Mathematics of Operations Research 3.00 Abeledo, H BELL 106 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 37925 EMSE 6740 10 Systems Thinking and Policy Modeling I 3.00 Broniatowski, D BELL 109 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 34476 EMSE 6765 80 Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 33496 EMSE 4765 80 Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31388 EMSE 6770 80 Techniques of Risk Anlys & Mgt 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V TOMP 201 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 33497 EMSE 4770 80 Techniques of Risk Analysis and Management 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V TOMP 201 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36997 EMSE 6815 80 Requirements Engineering 3.00 Santos, J TOMP 405 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 33495 EMSE 3815 80 Requirements Analysis and Elicitation 3.00 Santos, J TOMP 405 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 34921 EMSE 6820 10 Program and Project Management 3.00 Barbera, J TOMP 201 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
OPEN 33499 EMSE 3820 10 Project Management for Engineering Systems 3.00 Barbera, J TOMP 201 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31349 EMSE 6991 10 ProjectforProfessionalDegree 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37889 EMSE 6991 11 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37890 EMSE 6991 12 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37891 EMSE 6991 13 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37892 EMSE 6991 14 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37893 EMSE 6991 15 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37894 EMSE 6991 16 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37895 EMSE 6991 17 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37896 EMSE 6991 18 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37897 EMSE 6991 19 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37898 EMSE 6991 20 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37899 EMSE 6991 21 Project for Professional Degree 3.00 van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38382 EMSE 6992 10 Fed Acquisition in Nat'l Sec 3.00 Meier, S ROME 459 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30255 EMSE 6995 10 Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37900 EMSE 6995 11 Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37901 EMSE 6995 12 Research 3.00 Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37902 EMSE 6995 13 Research 3.00 Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37903 EMSE 6995 14 Research 3.00 Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37904 EMSE 6995 15 Research 3.00 Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37905 EMSE 6995 16 Research 3.00 Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37906 EMSE 6995 17 Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37907 EMSE 6995 18 Research 3.00 Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37908 EMSE 6995 19 Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37909 EMSE 6995 20 Research 3.00 Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38464 EMSE 6995 21 Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30134 EMSE 6998 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37910 EMSE 6998 11 Thesis Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37911 EMSE 6998 12 Thesis Research 3.00 Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 37912 EMSE 6998 13 Thesis Research 3.00 Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37913 EMSE 6998 14 Thesis Research 3.00 Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37914 EMSE 6998 15 Thesis Research 3.00 Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37915 EMSE 6998 16 Thesis Research 3.00 Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37916 EMSE 6998 17 Thesis Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37917 EMSE 6998 18 Thesis Research 3.00 Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37918 EMSE 6998 19 Thesis Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37919 EMSE 6998 20 Thesis Research 3.00 Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37920 EMSE 6998 21 Thesis Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30135 EMSE 6999 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 36998 EMSE 8000 80 Research Formulation in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z SEH 2600 R
02:30PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Restricted to EMSE PhD Students
OPEN 36999 EMSE 8100 80 The Praxis Proposal 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z SEH 2600 R
02:30PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38383 EMSE 8099 10 Survey of Research Formulation for Engineering Management 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Restricted to students in the DEng in the field of engineering management program.

OPEN 36999 EMSE 8100 80 The Praxis Proposal 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z SEH 2600 R
02:30PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course with the EMSE office.
OPEN 36998 EMSE 8000 80 Research Formulation in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z SEH 2600 R
02:30PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36984 EMSE 8199 10 Praxis Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course with the EMSE office.

OPEN 30136 EMSE 8998 10 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office. Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only.

OPEN 38465 EMSE 8998 11 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38466 EMSE 8998 12 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38467 EMSE 8998 13 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38468 EMSE 8998 14 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38469 EMSE 8998 15 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38470 EMSE 8998 16 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38471 EMSE 8998 17 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38472 EMSE 8998 18 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38473 EMSE 8998 19 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38474 EMSE 8998 20 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 38475 EMSE 8998 21 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30826 EMSE 8999 10 Dissertation Research ARR Deason, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office. Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only.

OPEN 31123 EMSE 8999 11 Dissertation Research ARR Barbera, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the the EMSE office.

OPEN 30832 EMSE 8999 12 Dissertation Research ARR Sarkani, S 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 31127 EMSE 8999 13 Dissertation Research ARR Abeledo, H 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30827 EMSE 8999 14 Dissertation Research ARR Gralla, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30828 EMSE 8999 15 Dissertation Research ARR Santos, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30829 EMSE 8999 16 Dissertation Research ARR Szajnfarber, Z 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30830 EMSE 8999 17 Dissertation Research ARR Mazzuchi, T 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 32432 EMSE 8999 18 Dissertation Research ARR Shittu, E 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 32051 EMSE 8999 19 Dissertation Research ARR Francis, R 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30833 EMSE 8999 20 Dissertation Research ARR Broniatowski, D 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 30831 EMSE 8999 21 Dissertation Research ARR van Dorp, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 35635 EMSE 8999 22 Dissertation Research ARR Helveston, J 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37921 EMSE 8999 23 Dissertation Research ARR 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37922 EMSE 8999 24 Dissertation Research ARR 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

OPEN 37923 EMSE 8999 25 Dissertation Research ARR 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to main campus PhD students only. Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE office.

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Printed on :Dec 8, 2024 - 07:31:46 PM
Last Revised : Dec 8, 2024 06:54:34 PM

© 2024 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000