OPEN 74931 SPAN 1011 10 Intensive Beginning Spanish: the Spanish-speaking world 6.00 Rodman, M PHIL 511 MWF
09:10AM - 11:00AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. This course is only open to students with no prior study of the language. Instructor Approval required to register.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 73913 SPAN 1012 10 Intensive Elementary Spanish: the Spanish-speaking world 6.00 Goldenberg, C BELL 109 MWF
09:10AM - 11:00AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration resticted to undergraduate and consortium students only. This course is open to students with some prior study of the language. Appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 74303 SPAN 1012 11 Intensive Elementary Spanish: the Spanish-speaking world 6.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. This course is open to students with some prior study of the language. Appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 74932 SPAN 1013 10 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Caras, A LISH 335 MWF
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 77785 SPAN 1013 11 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CLOSED 74933 SPAN 1013 12 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Caras, A LISH 335 MWF
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 74934 SPAN 1013 13 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Bergin, T PHIL 510 MWF
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CLOSED 75175 SPAN 1013 14 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Bergin, T LISH 335 MWF
02:20PM - 03:10PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 75950 SPAN 1013 15 Intermediate Spanish I: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 74935 SPAN 1014 10 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Parker, E MON 251 MWF
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 74936 SPAN 1014 11 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Parker, E ROME 351 MWF
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 74937 SPAN 1014 12 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Goldenberg, C LISH 335 MWF
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 74938 SPAN 1014 13 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Pippin, F TOMP 307 MWF
05:10PM - 06:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 74939 SPAN 1014 14 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Valdivia Ruiz, V PHIL 510 MWF
02:20PM - 03:10PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CLOSED 75176 SPAN 1014 15 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 Pippin, F TOMP 307 MWF
03:45PM - 04:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 76350 SPAN 1014 16 Intermediate Spanish II: the Spanish-speaking world 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1013 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 78595 SPAN 1034 10 Intensive Intermediate Spanish 6.00 de la Fuente, M PHIL 509 MWF
10:40AM - 12:30PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1011, 1012, or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 75491 SPAN 2005 10 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Vidal Gandia, M 1957 E 313
1957 E 313
12:45PM - 01:35PM
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 70803 SPAN 2005 11 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Montilla Keeling, P 1957 E 310 MWF
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 70910 SPAN 2005 12 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Marinoso Perez, M 1957 E 308
BELL 107
12:45PM - 01:35PM
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 70982 SPAN 2005 13 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Suarez-Touzon, A BELL 107 MWF
02:20PM - 03:10PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 71548 SPAN 2005 14 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Martin Alvarez, A COR 204 MWF
03:45PM - 04:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 70359 SPAN 2005 15 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Montilla Keeling, P BELL 107 MWF
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 75177 SPAN 2005 16 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 Marinoso Perez, M TOMP 306
TOMP 306
11:10AM - 12:00PM
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014, 1034, 1134 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 70360 SPAN 2006 10 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Marinoso Perez, M TOMP 107 MWF
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 70361 SPAN 2006 11 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Suarez-Touzon, A BELL 107 MWF
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 70504 SPAN 2006 12 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Suarez-Touzon, A TOMP 302
BELL 109
12:45PM - 01:35PM
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 70686 SPAN 2006 13 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Martin Alvarez, A 1957 E 311 MWF
02:20PM - 03:10PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 70994 SPAN 2006 14 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Vidal Gandia, M PHIL 416 MWF
02:20PM - 03:10PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 72541 SPAN 2006 15 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 71100 SPAN 2006 16 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Martin Alvarez, A MON 250
MON 253
12:45PM - 01:35PM
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 74159 SPAN 2006 17 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Valdivia Ruiz, V COR 103 MWF
03:45PM - 04:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 78941 SPAN 2006 18 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 Vidal Gandia, M MON 351 MWF
03:45PM - 04:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 2005 or appropriate placement required. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.
Spanish Language Fee  $50.00

CANCELLED 75756 SPAN 2056 10 Intensive Advanced Spanish 6.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Instructor approval required to register. Registration restricted to undergrad and consortium students only. NOTE: Spanish 1014 or 1034 or appropriate placement test score is required to take this class. A grade of B or higher in SPAN 1014 or 1034 is required to take this course. If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test.

CANCELLED 77897 SPAN 2156 10 Intensive Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners 6.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Instructor approval required to register. SPAN 1014, 1034, 1134, or appropriate placement required. Note: If you have not done so, please take the Placement Test at html

WAITLIST 77786 SPAN 3100 10 Texts and Contexts of the Spanish-Speaking World 3.00 Bamford, H TOMP 309 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 77787 SPAN 3100 11 Texts and Contexts of the Spanish-Speaking World 3.00 Captain, Y TOMP 306 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 77788 SPAN 3100 12 Texts and Contexts of the Spanish-Speaking World 3.00 Waisman, S 1957 E 313 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 77789 SPAN 3100 13 Texts and Contexts of the Spanish-Speaking World 3.00 Captain, Y TOMP 206 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 77790 SPAN 3420 10 The Essayist Tradition in Latin America 3.00 Britt, C 1957 E 310 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 78495 SPAN 3440 10 Caribbean Literature and Culture 3.00 Captain, Y DUQUES 361 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CLOSED 77791 SPAN 3510 10 Heresy and the Other in Early Modern Iberia 3.00 Bamford, H COR 204 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 77793 SPAN 3530 10 Limits of Enlightenment 3.00 Britt, C TOMP 302 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 77794 SPAN 3570 80 Women Writers of Spain and Latin America 3.00 Cuellar, M TOMP 208 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
WAITLIST 77925 WGSS 3170 82 Women Writers Spain/Latin Amer 3.00 Cuellar, M TOMP 208 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CLOSED 77898 SPAN 4200 10 Spanish Applied Linguistics 3.00 Caras, A LISH 335 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only. NOTE: Two SPAN courses at the 3000 level or appropriate placement required. Note: If you have not not done so, please take the Placement Test at

WAITLIST 77795 SPAN 4450 10 Mexican Literature and Culture 3.00 Cuellar, M 1957 E 316 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 77796 SPAN 4560 10 Modern Poetry of Spain and Latin America 3.00 Waisman, S TOMP 309 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 78907 SPAN 4920W 10 Proseminar II 3.00 Bamford, H 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. This course intended for Spanish majors writing Honor Thesis.

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Printed on :Feb 8, 2025 - 07:28:01 AM
Last Revised : Feb 8, 2025 06:52:08 AM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000