Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component meets in London, England from 7/6/13 to 7/14/13. On-campus meeting dates are 5/20/13 to 6/24/13 and 7/15/13 to 7/22/13. Departmental approval required to register. Also register for PPPA 6085.60 or IBUS 6297.61. Also register for IBUS 6297.61. Register for this course in the GWSB International Education
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component meets in London, England from 6/30-7/8. On-campus meeting dates are 5/24 - 6/21 and 7/19 - 7/26. Departmental approval required to register. Also register for IBUS 6202.60 or PPPA 6077.60. Also register for IBUS 6202.60. Register for this course in the GWSB International Education Office.