CANCELLED 15103 TRDA 0721 10 Lorca in Performance 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and graduate students only.

CLOSED 11055 TRDA 1015 10 Understanding the Dance 3.00 Haynes, W MON 352
12:45PM - 02:00PM
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 15214 TRDA 1015 11 Understanding the Dance 3.00 Wunder, I 2020 K 9 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 16009 TRDA 1015 12 Understanding the Dance 3.00 Wunder, I 2020 K 23 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 14047 TRDA 1015 MV Understanding the Dance 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus.

CLOSED 11057 TRDA 1017 10 Intro/Dance Movement Awareness 3.00 Burkholder, D MARC DSTU TR
02:20PM - 03:50PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 10629 TRDA 1025 10 Understanding the Theatre 3.00 Gomez, C MPA 309 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11797 TRDA 1152 MV Beginning Mod/Post Mod Dance 1.00 Thorndike, A GYM DA/EX TR
04:10PM - 05:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus.

OPEN 12100 TRDA 1153 10 Begn/Intrmd Mod/Post Mod Dance 1.00 Fink, C MARC DSTU MW
04:00PM - 05:15PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 15446 TRDA 1153 11 Begn/Intrmd Mod/Post Mod Dance 1.00 Southall, K J DOWN MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11054 TRDA 1171 10 Intermed.Mod/Post Mod.Dance 2.00 TO 3.00 Burgess, D J DOWN MWF
02:20PM - 03:50PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 12101 TRDA 1171 11 Intermed.Mod/Post Mod.Dance 2.00 TO 3.00 Thorndike, A MARC DSTU MWF
02:20PM - 03:50PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 17379 TRDA 1171 12 Intermed. Mod/Post Mod. Dance 2.00 TO 3.00 Kassabova, T J DOWN MWF
04:00PM - 05:30PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 10989 TRDA 1214 10 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Wade, A MARC LEGT MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen and sophomores only.

OPEN 10628 TRDA 1214 11 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Kitsos-Kang, E MARC LEGT TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 11435 TRDA 1214 12 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Kanter, J XX 202 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 14378 TRDA 1214 13 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Abromaitis, K XX 202 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 15821 TRDA 1214 14 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Largess, W MARC LEGT TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only.

CLOSED 17378 TRDA 1214 15 Introduction to Acting 3.00 Foucheux, R MARC LEGT MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11630 TRDA 1214 MV Introduction to Acting 3.00 Keady, S HAND CHAPEL TR
02:30PM - 03:45PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus.

OPEN 11056 TRDA 1330 10 Basics of Production Design 3.00 Smith, V MARC 225 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: TRDA 1330.30-.34. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 16013 TRDA 2163 10 Intermediate/Advanced Ballet 2.00 Bush, I MARC DSTU TR
09:30AM - 11:00AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11434 TRDA 2173 10 Intrmd/Adv Mod/Post Mod Dance 2.00 TO 3.00 Gongora, A J DOWN MWF
12:20PM - 01:50PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 10997 TRDA 2180 10 Movement Improvisation/Perform 3.00 Withers, M J DOWN TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 12551 TRDA 2191W 10 Dance History 3.00 Buckley, M MPA 305 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 10632 TRDA 2192 10 Repertory/Performance 1.00 OR 2.00 Withers, M 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. An audition is required prior to registering for this course.

OPEN 15633 TRDA 2193 12 Israeli and Arabic Dances 2.00 Gray, L J DOWN TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10630 TRDA 2215 10 Beginning Scene Study 3.00 Kanter, J XX 202 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to Theatre majors only.

OPEN 15479 TRDA 2215 11 Beginning Scene Study 3.00 Kitsos-Kang, E MARC LEGT MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Theatre majors are restricted from registering for this course.

CANCELLED 16010 TRDA 2216 10 Scene Study: Voice & Character 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 12629 TRDA 2240 80 Play Analysis 3.00 Stokes, A MARC LEGT TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
OPEN 12630 ENGL 2240 80 Play Analysis 3.00 Stokes, A MARC LEGT TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 14790 TRDA 2250 80 Fundamentals: Dramatic Writing 3.00 Stokes, A 2020 K 24 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
CLOSED 14879 ENGL 2250 80 Dramatic Writing 3.00 Stokes, A 2020 K 24 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10638 TRDA 2339 10 Theatre Practicum 1.00 Gomez, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11414 TRDA 2339 11 Theatre Practicum 1.00 Gomez, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 14794 TRDA 3156 10 Dance in Community Settings 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 14795 TRDA 3175 10 Advanced Modern/Post Mod Dance 2.00 TO 3.00 Withers, M J DOWN TR
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 16672 TRDA 3227 10 Acting for the Media 2.00 Wade, A XX 202 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
TrDa Course Fee  $50.00

CLOSED 10631 TRDA 3246 10 History of the Theatre 3.00 Stokes, A MPA 305 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to Theatre and Dramatic Literature majors only.

OPEN 13441 TRDA 3246 11 History of the Theatre 3.00 Kanter, J BELL 105 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Theatre majors are restricted from registering for this course.

CANCELLED 15184 TRDA 3248W 10 Theatre Criticism 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.
TrDa Course Fee  $100.00

OPEN 14791 TRDA 3250 80 Intermediate Dramatic Writing 3.00 Griffith, P 2020 K 24 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
OPEN 14887 ENGL 3250 80 Intermediate Dramatic Writing 3.00 Griffith, P 2020 K 24 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 16011 TRDA 3331 10 Introduction to Lighting 3.00 Gudenius, C MARC 225 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 16012 TRDA 3332 10 Makeup Design 3.00 Pucilowsky, W; Clark, M MARC 219 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10806 TRDA 4184 10 Choreographic Projects 3.00 Withers, M SEE DEPT 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: See department for meeting time and location.
TrDa Course Fee  $25.00

CLOSED 12744 TRDA 4595 80 Gender& Indian Classical Dance 3.00 Brennig, N MARC DSTU MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
TrDa Course Fee  $50.00
CLOSED 12810 WSTU 3170 80 Gender &Indian Classical Dance 3.00 Brennig, N MARC DSTU MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 14049 TRDA 4595 10 Practicum:Shakespeare Scholars 1.00 Wade, A SEE DEPT 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Instructor approval required to register. See department for meeting time and location. Registration restricted to Dean's Scholars in Shakespeare only.
TrDa Course Fee  $50.00

OPEN 16973 TRDA 4595 11 Chilean Contemporary Dance 1.00 TO 3.00 Burgess, D SEE DEPT 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: See department for meeting time and location.
TrDa Course Fee  $25.00

CANCELLED 15146 TRDA 4595 60 Shakespeare's London 1.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Must be part of the CCAS Dean's Scholars to participate. Short-term study abroad course. This course meets in London, England, from March 15-20, 2010, as well as several on-campus meetings prior to departure (date and time TBA). Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the Study Abroad Office.
Short-Term Abroad Prog Travel  $8.00
TrDa Course Fee  $25.00

OPEN 16014 TRDA 4595W 10 Theatre of Social Change 3.00 Jacobson, L XX 202 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 10633 TRDA 4596 10 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 Burgess, D 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 11025 TRDA 4596 11 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 Burgess, D 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 10634 TRDA 4598 10 Internship 3.00 OR 6.00 Burgess, D 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 10635 TRDA 4599 10 Honors Thesis 3.00 Burgess, D 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

CLOSED 16016 TRDA 6336 10 Intermediate Costume 3.00 Turner-Walker, K MARC 225 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
TrDa Course Fee  $95.00

CANCELLED 16015 TRDA 6340 10 Period Styles 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
TrDa Course Fee  $50.00

OPEN 16018 TRDA 6344 10 Production Drafting 3.00 Mann, J MARC 225 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 16017 TRDA 6346 10 Collaborative Studies 3.00 Smith, V MARC 225 F
09:30AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
TrDa Course Fee  $95.00

OPEN 10988 TRDA 6596 10 Independent Research in TRDA ARR Gudenius, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 10659 TRDA 6598 10 Internship ARR Gudenius, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 10636 TRDA 6998 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Gudenius, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 10637 TRDA 6999 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Gudenius, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

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Printed on :Oct 6, 2024 - 05:43:38 AM
Last Revised : Oct 6, 2024 05:01:20 AM

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