OPEN 75702 STAT 1000 10 The Science of Uncertainty 3.00 Mahmoud, H PHIL 109 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on

CANCELLED 77341 STAT 1000 11 Statistically Speaking 3.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on

OPEN 70449 STAT 1051 10 Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics 3.00 Bose, S FNGR 223 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: STAT 1051.30-.31
OPEN 71538 STAT 1051 30 Recitation 0.00 Bose, S PHIL 110 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 71539 STAT 1051 31 Recitation 0.00 Bose, S PHIL 110 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 77342 STAT 1051 11 Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics 3.00 Semiyari, H FNGR 208 WF
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: STAT 1051.32-.33
OPEN 77343 STAT 1051 32 Recitation 0.00 Semiyari, H MON 250 F
12:45PM - 01:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 77344 STAT 1051 33 Recitation 0.00 Semiyari, H ROME 350 F
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

CLOSED 70931 STAT 1051 12 Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics 3.00 Zhang, X FNGR 207 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section STAT 1051.34-35
WAITLIST 71540 STAT 1051 34 Recitation 0.00 Zhang, X ROME 352 T
12:45PM - 01:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 75703 STAT 1051 35 Recitation 0.00 Zhang, X SMTH 120 T
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71288 STAT 1051 13 Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics 3.00 Tuamokumo, F 1957 E 214 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section STAT 1051.36-37
OPEN 75704 STAT 1051 36 Recitation 0.00 Tuamokumo, F 1957 E 211 R
03:45PM - 04:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 75705 STAT 1051 37 Recitation 0.00 Tuamokumo, F MON 352 R
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 78596 STAT 1051 14 Introduction to Business and Economic Statistics 3.00 Semiyari, H FNGR 207 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also Register for one discussion section STAT 1051.39 or STAT 1051.40
OPEN 78597 STAT 1051 39 Recitation 0.00 Semiyari, H MON B33 W
12:45PM - 01:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 78598 STAT 1051 40 Recitation 0.00 Semiyari, H MON 251 W
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70450 STAT 1053 10 Introduction to Statistics in Social Science 3.00 Balaji, S FNGR 108 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also Register for one discussion section STAT 1053.30-34 or 1053.39
OPEN 71297 STAT 1053 30 Discussion 0.00 Balaji, S DUQUES 359 R
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71298 STAT 1053 31 Discussion 0.00 Balaji, S TOMP 306 R
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71299 STAT 1053 32 Discussion 0.00 Balaji, S 1957 E 211 R
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71300 STAT 1053 33 Discussion 0.00 Balaji, S 1957 E 111 R
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71301 STAT 1053 34 Discussion 0.00 Balaji, S TOMP 306 R
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70451 STAT 1053 11 Introduction to Statistics in Social Science 3.00 Bose, S FNGR 221 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: STAT 1053.39-.40.
OPEN 76489 STAT 1053 39 Discussion 0.00 Bose, S PHIL 209 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 76490 STAT 1053 40 Discussion 0.00 Bose, S PHIL 209 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70456 STAT 1053 12 Introduction to Statistics in Social Science 3.00 Amini, S FNGR 207 TR
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section STAT 1053.35-36.
OPEN 71541 STAT 1053 35 Discussion 0.00 Amini, S PHIL 111 W
03:45PM - 04:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 71542 STAT 1053 36 Discussion 0.00 Amini, S PHIL 736 W
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

CLOSED 71033 STAT 1053 13 Introduction to Statistics in Social Science 3.00 Sparks, J FNGR 223 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section:STAT 1053.37-38.
WAITLIST 73781 STAT 1053 37 Discussion 0.00 Sparks, J COR 103 T
03:45PM - 04:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 72401 STAT 1053 38 Discussion 0.00 Sparks, J MON 352 T
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 78608 STAT 1053 14 Introduction to Statistics in Social Science 3.00 Balaji, S MPA B07 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one discussion section STAT 1053.41-45
OPEN 78609 STAT 1053 41 Recitation 0.00 Balaji, S TOMP 205 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
CANCELLED 78610 STAT 1053 42 Recitation 0.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 78611 STAT 1053 43 Recitation 0.00 Balaji, S ROME 350 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
CANCELLED 78612 STAT 1053 44 Recitation 0.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 78614 STAT 1053 45 Recitation 0.00 Balaji, S BELL 105 W
12:45PM - 01:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70452 STAT 1111 10 Business and Economic Statistics I 3.00 Yu, J MON 111 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 73782 STAT 1127 10 Statistics for the Biological Sciences 3.00 Nguyen, J PHIL B152 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 75091 STAT 1127 11 Statistics for the Biological Sciences 3.00 Hunt, J PHIL B152 TR
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 75706 STAT 1129 10 Introduction to Computing 3.00 Jin, F SMTH 120 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72002 STAT 2112 10 Business and Economic Statistics II 3.00 Amini, S FNGR 207 MW
06:10PM - 07:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71023 STAT 2118 10 Regression Analysis 3.00 Landon, J FNGR 103 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one recitation section: STAT 2118.30-.35.
OPEN 71190 STAT 2118 30 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J ROME 205 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71191 STAT 2118 31 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J BELL 106 W
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71192 STAT 2118 32 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J MPA 302 W
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 71193 STAT 2118 33 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J GELM 608 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
WAITLIST 72098 STAT 2118 34 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J ROME 459 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 72268 STAT 2118 35 Recitation 0.00 Landon, J ROME 459 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 78111 STAT 2118 12 Regression Analysis 3.00 Liang, H PHIL 110 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 78112 STAT 2118 37 Recitation 0.00 Liang, H PHIL 110 M
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

CANCELLED 73783 STAT 2118 36 Recitation 0.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71094 STAT 2123 80 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Fenizia, A COR 207 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 71093 ECON 2123 80 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Fenizia, A COR 207 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71679 STAT 2123 81 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Williams, B COR 207 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 71678 ECON 2123 81 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Williams, B COR 207 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72239 STAT 2123 82 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Fenizia, A COR 207 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 72238 ECON 2123 82 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Kuka, E COR 207 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72716 STAT 2123 83 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Kuka, E MON B32 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 72602 ECON 2123 83 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Kuka, E MON B32 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 73292 STAT 2123 84 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Phillips, R COR 204 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 73291 ECON 2123 84 Introduction to Econometrics 3.00 Phillips, R COR 204 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71656 STAT 2183W 10 Statistical Computer Packages 3.00 Modarres, R ROME B104 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 73364 STAT 2183W 11 Statistical Computer Packages 3.00 Landon, J ROME B104 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 75708 STAT 3119 10 Analysis of Variance 3.00 Apanasovich, T DUQUES 250 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Also register for one recitation section: STAT 3119.30.
OPEN 75709 STAT 3119 30 Laboratory 0.00 Apanasovich, T PHIL 736 T
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 74001 STAT 3187W 10 Introduction to Sampling 3.00 Nayak, T PHIL 108 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 70453 STAT 4157 10 Intro to Mathematical Stat 3.00 Li, Z GOV 102 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

CANCELLED 75710 STAT 4158 10 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II 3.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 73784 STAT 4195 10 Reading and Research 3.00 Balaji, S 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Departmental approval requried to register.

OPEN 77345 STAT 4198 10 StatisticalThinking&ItsHistory 3.00 Hu, F PHIL 108 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72220 STAT 6201 10 Mathematical Statistics I 3.00 Gastwirth, J PHIL 640 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

CANCELLED 77346 STAT 6201 11 Mathematical Statistics I 3.00 08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72100 STAT 6202 10 Mathematical Statistics II 3.00 Hu, F MON 113 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 76694 STAT 6210 10 Data Analysis 3.00 Pan, Q 1957 E B16 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 77347 STAT 6214 10 Applied Linear Models 3.00 Li, Z ROME B103 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 75711 STAT 6215 10 Applied Multivariate Analysis I 3.00 Modarres, R ROME 459 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 74287 STAT 6225 10 Longitudinal Data Analysis 3.00 Liang, H SEH 7040 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

WAITLIST 78110 STAT 6227 10 Survival Analysis 3.00 Wu, C SMTH 120 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 72175 STAT 6287 10 Sample Surveys 3.00 Cheng, Y MON 353 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

WAITLIST 77349 STAT 6289 10 A/B Testing 3.00 Hu, F TOMP 206 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 77350 STAT 6289 11 Database Management using Pyth 3.00 Jin, F ROME 459 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70584 STAT 6295 10 Reading and Research 3.00 Modarres, R 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70585 STAT 6999 10 Thesis Research 3.00 OR 6.00 Modarres, R 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70454 STAT 8257 10 Probability 3.00 Mahmoud, H PHIL 209 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 77351 STAT 8262 10 Nonparametric Inference 3.00 Zhang, X PHIL 109 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70455 STAT 8263 10 Advanced Statistical Theory I 3.00 Nayak, T TOMP 306 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 78284 STAT 8289 80 Bayesian Statistics 3.00 Soyer, R DUQUES 356 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
OPEN 77675 DNSC 8328 80 Intro to Bayesian Statistics 3.00 Soyer, R DUQUES 356 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71421 STAT 8375 80 Econometrics I 3.00 Phillips, R MON 113 M
05:10PM - 07:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.
OPEN 71097 ECON 8375 80 Econometrics I 3.00 Phillips, R MON 113 M
05:10PM - 09:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 74071 STAT 8998 10 Advanced Reading and Research ARR Nayak, T 08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70586 STAT 8999 10 Dissertation Research 3.00 TO 12.00 Nayak, T 08/29/22 - 12/12/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

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Printed on :Jul 27, 2024 - 08:06:51 AM
Last Revised : Jul 27, 2024 08:01:14 AM

© 2024 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000