CLOSED 42077 PUBH 1101 10 Introduction to Public Health & Health Svcs 3.00 Standley, C GWSPH 200B TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all students at 10am on Dec 4th.

CLOSED 43699 PUBH 1101 11 Introduction to Public Health & Health Svcs 3.00 Henry, T GWSPH 200A MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

CLOSED 44983 PUBH 1101 12 Introduction to Public Health & Health Svcs 3.00 Andrade, E GWSPH B100B TR
02:30PM - 03:45PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 43265 PUBH 1102 10 History of Public Health 3.00 Ruiz, M GWSPH 200B TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

CLOSED 41929 PUBH 2110 10 Public Health Biology 3.00 Sorrell, E; Fischer, J GWSPH 200B M
09:35AM - 12:05PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

CLOSED 42615 PUBH 2111 11 Introduction to Preventive Medicine 3.00 Schroth, W GWSPH 200B W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 42652 PUBH 2117 10 Service Learning in Public Health 3.00 Wilensky, S GWSPH 300B W
10:00AM - 12:30PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This is a Service Learning course.

OPEN 42919 PUBH 3130 10 Health Services Management and Economics 3.00 Anderson, D GWSPH 500A MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 41838 PUBH 3131 10 Epidemiology: Measuring Health and Disease 3.00 Ulfers, M GWSPH 200A TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to public health students only. Registration opens to all students at 10am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 41916 PUBH 3132 10 Health and Environment 3.00 McCormick, S GWSPH 500B T
09:35AM - 12:05PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 3rd.

CLOSED 42299 PUBH 3133 10 Global Health & Development 3.00 Gamble-Payne, K GWSPH 200A R
02:30PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all at 10am on Dec 4th.

CLOSED 45982 PUBH 3133 11 Global Health & Development 3.00 Waldman, R GWSPH 300A M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens to all sudents at 10am on Dec. 4th.

OPEN 42920 PUBH 3135W 10 Health Policy 3.00 Wilensky, S GWSPH 200A MW
03:30PM - 04:45PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration opens for all at 10am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 44304 PUBH 3136 10 Health Law 3.00 Teitelbaum, J GWSPH 400B R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47795 PUBH 3150 10 Sustainable Energy & Env Hlth 3.00 LaPuma, P GWSPH 400B T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CANCELLED 47794 PUBH 3151 10 Current Issues in Bioethics 3.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42647 PUBH 4140W 10 Senior Seminar 3.00 Katz, R GWSPH 600A M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Registration restricted to Public Health students only. Registration will open for all at 10 am on Dec 4th.

OPEN 41931 PUBH 4199 10 Independent Study 3.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44226 PUBH 6001 10 BiologicalConcepts/PublicHlth 2.00 Cawley, J GWSPH 100 T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 40866 PUBH 6002 10 Biostatistical Applic for PubH 3.00 Ma, Y GWSPH 100 W
06:10PM - 09:15PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course has a lab that doesn't require additional registration.

OPEN 41462 PUBH 6003 10 Prin & Practice/Epidemiology 3.00 Magnus, M; Glick, S GWSPH 100 R
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: .

OPEN 42113 PUBH 6004 10 Environmental and Occupational Health in a Sustainable World 0.00 OR 2.00 Gray, G; LaPuma, P; Kirkland, K; Brockhaus, A; Madar, S; Sass, J; Arbury, S GWSPH 100 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45727 PUBH 6006 10 Mgt & Policy Approaches to PH 3.00 Friedman, L; Cartwright-Smith, L GWSPH 100 M
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 41805 PUBH 6007 10 Social&BehaviorAppr-Pub.Hlth 2.00 Ruiz, M GWSPH B100A T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42368 PUBH 6010 10 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42101 PUBH 6013 10 Master's Thesis 3.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 42338 PUBH 6014 10 Practicum-Biostats 2.00 Goldman, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 46426 PUBH 6014 11 Practicum 2.00 Henry, T; Pomerantz, K 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42339 PUBH 6014 12 Practicum-EHS&P 2.00 LaPuma, P 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42340 PUBH 6014 13 Practicum-EPI 2.00 Goldman, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42406 PUBH 6014 14 Practicum: Global Health 2.00 Waldman, R 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42341 PUBH 6014 15 Practicum-HIS 2.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42342 PUBH 6014 16 Practicum-Hpol 2.00 Cartwright-Smith, L 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 42343 PUBH 6014 17 Practicum-Hpro 2.00 Pomerantz, K; Henry, T 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42344 PUBH 6014 18 Practicum-MCH 2.00 Pomerantz, K; Henry, T 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42345 PUBH 6014 19 Practicum-PHC&M 2.00 Pomerantz, K; Henry, T 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42346 PUBH 6014 20 Practicum-PHM 2.00 Burke, R 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43797 PUBH 6014 21 Practicum-PA-(MPH-PA in PH) 2.00 DiPietro, L 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44959 PUBH 6014 25 Practicum:Glbl Env Hlth 2.00 McCormick, S 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42347 PUBH 6015 10 Culminating Experience-Biostat 2.00 Goldman, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42348 PUBH 6015 11 Culminating Experience-COPC 1.00 TO 3.00 Spielberg, F 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42349 PUBH 6015 12 Culminating Experience-EHS&P 2.00 Zota, A; Perry, M 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42321 PUBH 6015 13 Culminating Experience:Epi 2.00 Castel, A; Goldman, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42353 PUBH 6015 14 Culminating Experience-GH 2.00 Colon-Ramos, U 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 42350 PUBH 6015 15 Culminating Experience-HIS 1.00 TO 3.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42322 PUBH 6015 16 Culminating Experience-Hpol 2.00 Regenstein, M; Lantz, P GWSPH B100B T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42351 PUBH 6015 17 Culminating Experience-Hpro 1.00 TO 3.00 Sparks, C 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42352 PUBH 6015 18 Culminating Experience-MCH 1.00 TO 3.00 McDonnell, K; Vyas, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42957 PUBH 6015 19 Culminating Experience 1.00 TO 3.00 Abroms, L; Evans, W 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43798 PUBH 6015 21 Culminating Experience 2.00 Cawley, J 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44960 PUBH 6015 25 Culminating Experience:GEH 2.00 Zota, A; Perry, M 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44412 PUBH 6015 26 Culminating Experience HPol 2.00 Regenstein, M GWSPH B100B T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45107 PUBH 6015 27 Culm Exp Phys Activity in PH 2.00 DiPietro, L 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42925 PUBH 6016 10 Field/Laboratory Experience 2.00 Castel, A; Goldman, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: For PHMEID students only.

OPEN 42112 PUBH 6091 10 Special Project 1.00 TO 4.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 43806 PUBH 6099 12 Cases in PH:Comm&Mktg,JDS&P 1.00 Blake, S GWSPH 300B R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42641 PUBH 6099 26 Capital Connections 1.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42114 PUBH 6122 10 Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Policies, Politics, and Programs 3.00 Henry, C GWSPH 400A R
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 43696 PUBH 6123 10 Toxicology: Applications for Public Health Policy 3.00 Gray, G GWSPH 500B M
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 46011 PUBH 6124 10 Problem Solving in EOH 3.00 Gray, G; Richards, R GWSPH 300B W
05:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42323 PUBH 6127 10 Germs: An Introduction to Environmental Health Microbiology 2.00 Kase, J; Nappier, S; Mitchell, R GWSPH 300B T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43698 PUBH 6131 10 Applied Data Analysis in Environmental and Occupational Health 3.00 Applebaum, K ROME B104 R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course has a lab that does not require additional registration.

OPEN 47769 PUBH 6133 10 Social Dimen Clim Chnge & Hlth 2.00 McCormick, S GWSPH 200B T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CANCELLED 44309 PUBH 6199 10 Evidence-Based PH Comm 2.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43712 PUBH 6242 10 ClinicalEpid&Decision Analysis 2.00 Riegelman, R GWSPH 400A M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 44311 PUBH 6243 10 Topics:ClinicalEpi&DecAnalysis 1.00 Riegelman, R 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course restricted to masters students enrolled in PubH 6242.

OPEN 42091 PUBH 6244 10 Cancer Epidemiology 2.00 Young, H GWSPH 500B W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42092 PUBH 6245 10 InfectiousDisease Epidemiology 2.00 Castel, A GWSPH 600A M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42090 PUBH 6247 10 Design of Health Studies 3.00 Kuo, I GWSPH 200A W
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42093 PUBH 6249 10 StatPackages/DataMgt&DataAnlys 3.00 Elmi, A ROSS 201 M
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: PUBH 6249.30-32.
OPEN 42094 PUBH 6249 30 Laboratory 0.00 Elmi, A HIML B103 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
OPEN 42095 PUBH 6249 31 Laboratory 0.00 Elmi, A HIML B103 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
OPEN 42096 PUBH 6249 32 Laboratory 0.00 Elmi, A GWSPH 300C R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 41906 PUBH 6252 10 Advanced Epidemiology Methods 3.00 Cleary, S ROSS 229
ROSS 201
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43270 PUBH 6255 10 Org Responses to HIV/Epidemic 2.00 Greenberg, A GWSPH 400B W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42097 PUBH 6258 10 Adv Topics/Biostat Consulting 1.00 Simmens, S GWSPH 300C M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester (01/13/14 - 03/17/14).

CLOSED 42098 PUBH 6259 10 Epid Surveillance/PublicHealth 2.00 Hoffman, D GWSPH 200A T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42099 PUBH 6260 10 Adv DataAnalysis-Public Health 3.00 Hoffman, H; Verme, D ROSS 201 T
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43713 PUBH 6261 10 Epi-Bio Skills Bldg Seminar 1.00 Goldman, A GWSPH 200B R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester (03/06/14 - 4/28/14).

OPEN 47778 PUBH 6262 10 Intro-Geog Information Systems 1.00 Verme, D GWSPH B100B
ROSS 201
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 02/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the frist half of the semester (01/12/15 - 02/28/15).

CLOSED 47779 PUBH 6263 10 Advanced GIS 1.00 Verme, D GWSPH B100B
ROSS 201
03:10PM - 06:00PM
03/01/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester (03/01/15 - 04/27/15).

OPEN 43271 PUBH 6264 10 Quantitative Methods 3.00 Elmi, A GWSPH 300C W
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to MS EPI or MPH Biostats students.

OPEN 44316 PUBH 6265 10 Design of Medical Studies 3.00 Younes, N GWSPH 400B R
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to MS Epi or MS/MPH Biostats students.

OPEN 45965 PUBH 6277 10 Public Health Genomics 2.00 DeLoia, J; Price, L GWSPH 400B R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45966 PUBH 6278 10 Public Health Virology 3.00 Ghosh, M GWSPH 500C T
01:10PM - 04:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PHMEID students only. Other students must have Instructor's approval.

OPEN 46323 PUBH 6280 10 MEID Final Project 2.00 Castel, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to MSPHMEID students only.

OPEN 47780 PUBH 6283 10 Biostatistics Consulting Practicum 0.00 OR 1.00 Simmens, S 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42079 PUBH 6305 10 Fundamentals for Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care 2.00 Cartwright-Smith, L GWSPH B100B R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42102 PUBH 6310 10 Statistical Analysis in Health Policy 3.00 Bruen, B HIML B103 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Also register for lab section PubH 6310.30.
OPEN 46033 PUBH 6310 30 Statistical Analysis in Health Policy 0.00 Bruen, B HIML B103 M
06:10PM - 07:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42103 PUBH 6315 10 Intro-Health Policy Analysis 2.00 Thorpe, J GWSPH 200B M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47789 PUBH 6315 11 Intro-Health Policy Analysis 2.00 Wood, S GWSPH 300C T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42931 PUBH 6320 10 Advanced Health Policy Analysis 2.00 McCarthy, M GWSPH 200A T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42078 PUBH 6325 10 Federal Policymaking and Policy Advocacy 2.00 Dafflitto, S; Horton, K GWSPH 200B W
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43714 PUBH 6330 10 Health Services and Law 3.00 Burke, T GWSPH 500A T
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43740 PUBH 6335 10 Public Health and Law 3.00 Goldstein, M GWSPH 500A W
05:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42129 PUBH 6340 10 Health Economics and Finance 3.00 Li, S GWSPH B100B W
05:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 43720 PUBH 6370 10 Medicare/Medicaid Law & Policy 2.00 Barker, T GWSPH 500A M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45989 PUBH 6399 11 Topics in HPol:Vaccine Policy 2.00 Stewart, A GWSPH 600B R
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47863 PUBH 6399 12 Hlth Reform Regulatory Process 2.00 Rosenbaum, S GWSPH 400B T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43721 PUBH 6399 13 Topics in HP:Basics of Econ 1.00 Foreman, M GWSPH 400B M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester

OPEN 44310 PUBH 6399 14 Glbl Hlth Sec & Dip Pol 2.00 Rao, J GWSPH 700B M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CANCELLED 43722 PUBH 6399 15 Topics in HP:Bridging HP & HIT 2.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44958 PUBH 6399 17 Hlth Workforce Policy 2.00 Pittman, P GWSPH 300C R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45010 PUBH 6399 80 Maternal&CHildHlthPolAnalysis 2.00 Markus, A GWSPH 400A T
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
OPEN 44957 PUBH 6561 80 Maternal&ChildHlthPolAnalysis 2.00 Markus, A GWSPH T
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43293 PUBH 6410 10 Global Health Study Design 2.00 Uretsky, E GWSPH 400B M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43294 PUBH 6411 10 Global Health Qualitative Research Methods 2.00 Ndiaye, K; Uretsky, E GWSPH 101 W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43295 PUBH 6412 10 Global Health Quantitative Research Methods 2.00 Sandberg, J HIML B103 M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47784 PUBH 6416 10 Ethical and Cultural Issues in Global Health Research and Programs 1.00 Uretsky, E GWSPH 500B R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
03/01/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets druing the second half of the semester (3/01/15 - 04/27/15).

OPEN 45983 PUBH 6430 10 Theories for Global Health Communication Interventions 2.00 Gurman, T; Ndiaye, K GWSPH 500C T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47785 PUBH 6435 10 Global Health Program Development and Implementation 2.00 Migliaccio, E GWSPH 400A T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 45984 PUBH 6440 10 Global Health Economics and Finance 2.00 Baird, S GWSPH 200B M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43287 PUBH 6443 10 Global Health Agreements and Conventions 2.00 Gamble-Payne, K; Hauda, K GWSPH 600B T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43288 PUBH 6481 10 Global Mental Health 2.00 Sorel, E GWSPH 600B T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 43723 PUBH 6482 10 International Food and Nutrition Policy 2.00 Colon-Ramos, U GWSPH 700B W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43724 PUBH 6484 10 Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases 2.00 Davies-Cole, J GWSPH 101 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47786 PUBH 6491 10 Public Health Leadership Seminar 1.00 Vigilance, P SEE DEPT W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 02/28/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester (01/12/15 - 02/28/15).

OPEN 47843 PUBH 6491 11 Public Health Leadership Seminar 1.00 Vigilance, P SEE DEPT R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
03/01/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Thi scourse meets druing the second half of the semester (03/01/15 - 04/27/15).

OPEN 47787 PUBH 6499 10 Cost Effective Analysis in PH 1.00 Huang, C GWSPH 300A W
06:10PM - 08:00PM
03/01/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester (03/01/015 - 4/27/15).

OPEN 47788 PUBH 6499 11 Fundamentals of Sup Chain Mgt 1.00 Berzon, R GWSPH 400B W
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 02/28/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester (01/12/15 - 03/1/15).

OPEN 47893 PUBH 6499 12 Case Study Methods For Evaul 2.00 Mookherji, S GWSPH 500C M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42924 PUBH 6500 10 Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs 3.00 Parrish, E GWSPH 101 R
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 44986 PUBH 6500 11 Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs 3.00 Napolitano, M GWSPH 500B T
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45968 PUBH 6501 10 Program Evaluation 3.00 Vyas, A GWSPH 101 M
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44488 PUBH 6502 10 Practical Data Analysis: PCH 1.00 Bingenheimer, J GWSPH 400A R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester (01/13/14 - 03/02/14).

OPEN 42081 PUBH 6503 10 Introduction to Public Health Communication and Marketing 3.00 Franz, A GWSPH 600A F
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47724 PUBH 6504 10 Social and Behavioral Science Research Methods 3.00 Roche, K GWSPH 101 F
02:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43292 PUBH 6512 10 Comm-OrientedPrimryCarePol&Iss 2.00 Cawley, J GWSPH 300B M
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 43711 PUBH 6513 10 Community Health Management 2.00 Padilla, L; Spielberg, F GWSPH 500C R
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45068 PUBH 6514 10 Preventing Health Disparities 2.00 Henry, T GWSPH 500C R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42324 PUBH 6516 10 Community Health InfoResources 2.00 Pomerantz, K; Lumby, E HIML B103 W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42082 PUBH 6530 10 Qual Methods/Hlth Promotion 2.00 Edberg, M GWSPH 600A W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42942 PUBH 6531 10 HlthPromotion/HlthCareSettings 2.00 Sparks, C GWSPH 600A T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 47726 PUBH 6537 10 Health Promotion & Aging 2.00 Sparks, C GWSPH 300A R
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42084 PUBH 6550 10 Maternal & Child Health I 3.00 McDonnell, K; Napolitano, M GWSPH B100A M
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42083 PUBH 6552 10 Women's Health 2.00 Wood, S GWSPH 100 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44987 PUBH 6555 10 ReprodctvHealth:US&GloblPerspc 2.00 Imershein, S GWSPH 400B T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44957 PUBH 6561 80 Maternal&ChildHlthPolAnalysis 2.00 Markus, A GWSPH T
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
OPEN 45010 PUBH 6399 80 Maternal&CHildHlthPolAnalysis 2.00 Markus, A GWSPH 400A T
03:10PM - 05:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42326 PUBH 6571 10 Social Mktg: Theory & Practice 3.00 Turner, M GWSPH 500A T
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42325 PUBH 6572 10 Marketing Rsch for Publ Health 3.00 Nicols, C GWSPH 300B M
06:00PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 45106 PUBH 6575 10 CommunSkills for PubHProfsnls 1.00 Sogor, E GWSPH 200B T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester (01/15/13 - 2/26/13).

CANCELLED 46005 PUBH 6599 10 Soc Ecology of Child&AdolHlth 3.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CANCELLED 47901 PUBH 6599 11 US Survey-HlthCarePro&SerUse 2.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47782 PUBH 6611 10 Nutrition Assessment 2.00 Paolicelli, C GWSPH 700B R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47783 PUBH 6613 10 US Food Policy and Politics 2.00 Esposito, M; Robien, K GWSPH 700B T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 44317 PUBH 8242 10 DPH Topics:ClinEpi&DecAnalysis 1.00 Riegelman, R 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD and DrPH students enrolled in PubH 6242.

OPEN 44318 PUBH 8244 10 DPH Topics:Cancer Epidemiology 1.00 Levine, P; Young, H GWSPH 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Reistration restricted to PhD students enrolled in PubH 6244 only.

OPEN 44319 PUBH 8245 10 DPH Topics:InfectDiseaseEpi 1.00 Castel, A 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD students enrolled in PubH 6245 only.

OPEN 44320 PUBH 8259 10 DPH Topics:EpiSurveillanceinPH 1.00 Hoffman, D 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD students enrolled in PubH 6259 only.

OPEN 43272 PUBH 8364 10 Quantitative Methods 3.00 Elmi, A GWSPH 300C W
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD students in Epi only.

OPEN 44321 PUBH 8365 10 Design of Medical Studies 3.00 Younes, N GWSPH 400B R
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD students in Epi, Biostats or Stats.

OPEN 48120 PUBH 8404 10 Advanced Topics: Health Systems and Health Policy Research 3.00 Markus, A GWSPH 500A R
04:10PM - 07:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47840 PUBH 8406 10 Advanced Topics: Health Research in the Global Arena 3.00 Roess, A GWSPH 300B T
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 47728 PUBH 8408 10 Advanced Topics: Health Behavior Research & Practice Applications 3.00 Edberg, M GWSPH 500C T
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47841 PUBH 8411 10 Advanced Topics - Principles of Human Health Risk Science 0.00 OR 3.00 Gray, G SEE DEPT R
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 47805 PUBH 8412 10 Advanced Topics - Environmental and Occupational Health Research and Practice 3.00 Gray, G GWSPH 600A R
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42117 PUBH 8413 10 Research Leadership 1.00 TO 10.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42118 PUBH 8414 10 Policy and Management Leadership 1.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 42116 PUBH 8415 10 Instructional Leadership 1.00 TO 10.00 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 46270 PUBH 8417 10 Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis 3.00 Mead, K GWSPH 400A W
03:10PM - 06:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 47729 PUBH 8418 10 Applied Statistical Analysis 3.00 Ku, L; Douglass, G GWSPH 600A
06:10PM - 09:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: This course has a lab that requires no additional registration.

OPEN 44988 PUBH 8422 10 Advanced Health Care and Public Health Research Design 2.00 Regenstein, M GWSPH 300C W
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/12/15 - 04/27/15

CLOSED 42119 PUBH 8423 10 Dissertation Research ARR 01/12/15 - 04/27/15

OPEN 46212 PUBH 8999 10 Dissertation Research ARR Cleary, S 01/12/15 - 04/27/15
Comments: Students must register for a minimum of 3 credit hours. Students must register in 3 credit increments. Registration for less than 3 credit hours requires approval.

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Printed on :Jul 18, 2024 - 02:27:09 PM
Last Revised : Jul 18, 2024 02:01:11 PM

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