OPEN 94165 PMGT 6201 10 Fundamentals of Political Management 3.00 Franzini Batlle, M; Cornfield, M MON B32 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 90964 PMGT 6202 10 Research Methods for Political Managers 3.00 Wiley, S MON 110 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to Political Management majors only.

OPEN 93053 PMGT 6203 10 Communications Elements 3.00 Giddins, C MON 251 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 93507 PMGT 6204 10 Communications Strategy 3.00 Tracey, E OM 312 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 92194 PMGT 6220 10 Fundraising 3.00 Bocskor, N 2020 K 23 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 93054 PMGT 6231 10 Lobbying 3.00 Hobson, J MON 351 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CLOSED 90965 PMGT 6241 10 Crisis Management 3.00 Edwards, M PHIL 110 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CLOSED 95803 PMGT 6250 10 Campaign Strategy 3.00 Meissner, M MPA 302 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CLOSED 95805 PMGT 6265 10 Digital Advertising and Action 3.00 Payne, D 1957 E 211 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 95804 PMGT 6265 12 Principled Political Leadershp 3.00 Crannell, M MON 352 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 97394 PMGT 6265 13 Managing Campaigns 3.00 Feltus IV, W; Dube, J MON 251 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 97352 PMGT 6265 61H Engaging Asia 3.00 Kennedy, M SEE DEPT 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas component in Hong Kong from January 5-11, 2014. On-campus meets December 2, 9, 16, 2013, 5pm-7:30pm. See department for meeting location. Registration restricted to graduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.
SA Hong Kong Program Fee  $804.00

OPEN 90966 PMGT 6290 10 Independent Study ARR Cornfield, M 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 90967 PMGT 6295 10 Advanced Problems and Strategy 3.00 Brown, L MON 251 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 90968 PMGT 6998 10 Thesis 3.00 Cornfield, M 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 90969 PMGT 6999 10 Thesis 3.00 Cornfield, M 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

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Printed on :Sep 1, 2024 - 05:26:43 AM
Last Revised : Sep 1, 2024 05:01:24 AM

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