OPEN 72660 IAFF 3172 80 Conflict and Conflict Resolution 3.00 Lazarus, E 1957 E 309 TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
WAITLIST 71014 IAFF 6171 80 Introduction to Conflict Resolution 3.00 Lazarus, E 1957 E 309 TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 72661 IAFF 3186 80 Discovering the Real Taiwan 3.00 Tai, J 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Discovering the Real Taiwan - This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Taiwan from June 11th-21st. There will be mandatory pre-departure meetings prior to the course's start date. These dates will be communicated to the enrolled students closer to the start of the semester. For questions about applying for the course, please reach out to For questions on course content, please contact faculty lead-John Tai,
ESIA- Short-Term Abroad Prog  $1,234.24
OPEN 72665 IAFF 6318 80 Discovering the Real Taiwan 3.00 Tai, J 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72797 IAFF 3189 80 Peace & Conflict in Africa 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72280 IAFF 3190 80 Transatl Persp SecurityNorthEu 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Sweden, Estonia, and Finland from June 24-July 5th. There will be mandatory pre-departure meetings prior to the course's start date. These dates will be communicated to the enrolled students closer to the start of the semester. This is a graduate course open to qualified undergraduate students. For questions about applying for the course, please reach out to For questions on course content, please contact faculty lead- Chris Kojm,
ESIA- Short-Term Abroad Prog  $1,984.28
CANCELLED 72281 IAFF 6118 80 Transatl Persp SecurityNorthEu 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 70090 IAFF 3195 70 Internship 0.00 TO 3.00 Yang, D 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Internships in public, private, and nonprofit organizations concerned with international affairs. Students must meet eligibility criteria, find a full-time faculty member to serve as an advisor if registering for credit, and receive approval from the Elliott School Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising. May be repeated for up to 6 credits with permission. Approval by the Associate Director of BA/BSIA Program ( is required to register.

OPEN 70091 IAFF 3198 70 Independent Study and Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Yang, D 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Approval by the Associate Director of BA/BSIA Program ( is required to register.

OPEN 72300 IAFF 6118 10 Gender, War, & Peace 3.00 Montoya, T 1957 E 309 TR
07:10PM - 09:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72281 IAFF 6118 80 Transatl Persp SecurityNorthEu 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Sweden, Estonia, and Finland from June 24-July 5th. There will be mandatory pre-departure meetings prior to the course's start date. These dates will be communicated to the enrolled students closer to the start of the semester. This is a graduate course open to qualified undergraduate students. For questions about applying for the course, please reach out to For questions on course content, please contact faculty lead- Chris Kojm,
ESIA- Short-Term Abroad Prog  $1,984.28
CANCELLED 72280 IAFF 3190 80 Transatl Persp SecurityNorthEu 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72340 IAFF 6138 10 Rule of Law & Anti-Corruption 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 71713 IAFF 6138 20 DevelProjectImplementation 3.00 Ledermann, S 1957 E 112 MW
05:10PM - 07:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72664 IAFF 6160 20 Defense Policy 3.00 Latif, S 1957 E 111 MF
07:10PM - 09:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72288 IAFF 6164 10 Environmental Security 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72289 IAFF 6165 20 Fundamentals of Intelligence 3.00 Duncan, R 1957 E 308 MW
05:10PM - 07:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

WAITLIST 71014 IAFF 6171 80 Introduction to Conflict Resolution 3.00 Lazarus, E 1957 E 309 TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.
OPEN 72660 IAFF 3172 80 Conflict and Conflict Resolution 3.00 Lazarus, E 1957 E 309 TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 70541 IAFF 6186 12 Transnational Organized Crime 3.00 Melzer, S 1957 E 311 TR
07:10PM - 09:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 71200 IAFF 6186 20 Military Power & Effectiveness 3.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72683 IAFF 6186 22 CompetitionintheGlobal Commons 3.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72780 IAFF 6198 80 PrvtNat&PublicPrvtPartnership 3.00 Weiner, R DUQUES 652 R
06:10PM - 08:45PM
05/20/24 - 07/27/24
OPEN 71444 IBUS 6202 80 PrvtNat&PublicPrvtPartnership 3.00 Weiner, R DUQUES 652 R
06:10PM - 08:45PM
05/20/24 - 07/27/24
OPEN 72273 PPPA 6085 80 Privatization&Nationalization 3.00 Weiner, R DUQUES 652 R
06:10PM - 08:45PM
05/20/24 - 07/27/24

OPEN 72665 IAFF 6318 80 Discovering the Real Taiwan 3.00 Tai, J 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Taiwan from June 11th-21st. There will be mandatory pre-departure meetings prior to the course's start date. These dates will be communicated to the enrolled students closer to the start of the semester. For questions about applying for the course, please reach out to For questions on course content, please contact faculty lead-John Tai,
ESIA- Short-Term Abroad Prog  $1,234.24
OPEN 72661 IAFF 3186 80 Discovering the Real Taiwan 3.00 Tai, J 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 72667 IAFF 6338 10 EU&NATO EmergingSecChallenges 3.00 Lagadec, E 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in France and Belgium from May 28th-June 9th, 2024. There will be mandatory pre-departure meetings prior to the course's start date. These dates will be communicated to the enrolled students closer to the start of the semester. This is a graduate course open to qualified undergraduate students. For questions about applying for the course, please reach out to For questions on course content, please contact faculty lead- Erwan Lagadec,
ESIA- Short-Term Abroad Prog  $1,544.26

CANCELLED 72668 IAFF 6385 80 Peace & Conflict in Africa 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72669 IAFF 6502 10 Deconstructing Disinformation 1.00 Levis, A DUQUES 359 US
10:00AM - 01:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This course meets: 6/8, 6/9, 6/15, and 6/16. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72755 IAFF 6502 12 SurveyDesign Public IntlPolicy 1.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This course meets on 06/07 from 5:10-8pm, 06/08 from 10am - 4pm, 06/14 from 5:10 - 8pm, and 06/15 from 10am - 3pm. Registration is restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72763 IAFF 6502 13 Data Analysis & Viz w/ Tableau 1.00 Albert, P DUQUES 151
09:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This course meets: 06/22 and 06/23. Registration is restricted to graduate students only.
OPEN 72766 IAFF 6505 13 Data Analysis & Viz w/ Tableau 1.50 Albert, P DUQUES 151
09:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 70499 IAFF 6502 14 Formal Briefing 1.00 Sutton, Y DUQUES 250 US
09:00AM - 03:30PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This course meets: 06/22 and 06/23. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72760 IAFF 6503 20 Participatory Planning 1.00 Yetter, S DUQUES 250 US
09:00AM - 04:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This course meets: 07/13 and 07/14. Registration is restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72761 IAFF 6503 21 Negotiation Skills 1.00 Farsakh, N DUQUES 259 US
09:00AM - 05:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This course meets: 7/20 and 7/21 9am-5pm; 8/3 9am -1pm. Registration is restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72811 IAFF 6503 23 Applied AI:Digital Democracy 1.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This course meets: 07/12 from 5:10 - 8pm, 07/13 from 11am - 4pm, and 07/20 from 11am - 4pm. Registration is restricted to graduate students only.
CANCELLED 72812 IAFF 6505 21 Applied AI:Digital Democracy 1.50 07/01/24 - 08/10/24

CANCELLED 72293 IAFF 6503 26 Alternative Analysis:Red Team 1.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This course meets: 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, and 8/10. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72766 IAFF 6505 13 Data Analysis & Viz w/ Tableau 1.50 Albert, P DUQUES 151
09:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is an executive education course open only to non-degree students at ESIA. Participants must meet the eligibility requirements on the Data Analytics for Policy Professionals website: This class meets three times: 06/22, 06/23, 06/30 and from 9am - 5pm. There will be a networking event on Friday, 05/03 from 5:30-8:30pm or Friday 12/6 from 5:30-8:30pm.
OPEN 72763 IAFF 6502 13 Data Analysis & Viz w/ Tableau 1.00 Albert, P DUQUES 151
09:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72767 IAFF 6505 14 SurveyDesign Public IntlPolicy 1.50 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is an executive education course open only to non-degree students at ESIA. Participants must meet the eligibility requirements on the Data Analytics for Policy Professionals website: This course meets on 06/07 from 5:10-8pm, 06/08 from 10am - 4pm, 06/14 from 5:10 - 8pm, and 06/15 from 10am - 5pm. There will be a networking event on Friday, 05/03 from 5:30-8:30pm or Friday 12/6 from 5:30-8:30pm.

CANCELLED 72812 IAFF 6505 21 Applied AI:Digital Democracy 1.50 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This is an executive education course open only to non-degree students at ESIA. Participants must meet the eligibility requirements on the Data Analytics for Policy Professionals website: This course meets: This course meets: 07/12 from 5:10 - 8pm, 07/13 from 11am - 4pm, 07/19 from 5:10-8pm, and 07/20 from 11am - 4pm. There will be a networking event on Friday, 05/03 from 5:30-8:30pm or Friday 12/6 from 5:30-8:30pm.
CANCELLED 72811 IAFF 6503 23 Applied AI:Digital Democracy 1.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24

OPEN 70284 IAFF 6515 70 Graduate Internship in International Affairs 0.00 Denes, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70285 IAFF 6515 71 Graduate Internship in International Affairs 0.00 Denes, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70092 IAFF 6517 70 Independent Study and Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Denes, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the ESIA Academic Advising office.

OPEN 70154 IAFF 6517 71 Independent Study and Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Denes, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the ESIA Academic Advising office.

OPEN 70439 IAFF 6517 72 Independent Study and Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Denes, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the ESIA Academic Advising Office.

OPEN 72670 IAFF 6521 10 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 Kojm, C 1957 E 308 MTWRF
09:00AM - 05:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This course meets: 05/28 - 06/07.

CLOSED 72671 IAFF 6521 20 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 Tess, C 1957 E 309 MTWRF
06:10PM - 08:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This course meets: 07/29 - 08/09. The schedule is as follows: 07/29 from 9am-1pm, 07/30 from 1-3pm, 07/31 from 10am to 4pm, 08/01 from 9am to 3pm, 08/02 from 10am to 3pm, and 08/05 - 08/09 from 9:30am to 3pm. Site visits and times to be communicated to students by the instructor.

OPEN 71432 IAFF 6899 10 Capstone Course 2.00 Ahmad, J 1957 E 313 F
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Registration restricted to ESIA graduate students only.

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Printed on :Sep 1, 2024 - 02:30:08 AM
Last Revised : Sep 1, 2024 02:01:20 AM

© 2024 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000