OPEN 35277 FORS 2107 MV Fundamentals of Forensic Science 4.00 Cheng, Y AMES B101 M
01:00PM - 02:50PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: FORS 2107.M31 - .M34.
OPEN 35497 FORS 2107 M33 Laboratory 0.00 Cheng, Y AMES B105 T
12:00PM - 02:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
OPEN 35498 FORS 2107 M34 Laboratory 0.00 Cheng, Y ACAD 200 T
02:00PM - 04:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25

OPEN 32179 FORS 6004 MV Fundamentals of Forensic Science I 3.00 Cheng, Y ACAD 200 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 32180 FORS 6005 MV Fundamentals of Forensic Science II 3.00 Lurie, I AMES B201 R
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 34670 FORS 6201 MV Forensic Biology 3.00 Cheng, Y ACAD 200 T
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 37799 FORS 6204 MV Firearms and Toolmark Identification 3.00 ACAD 303 M
04:00PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25

OPEN 34671 FORS 6206 MV Trace Evidence Analysis 3.00 Rowe, W ACAD 310 M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 34389 FORS 6210 MV Advanced Instrumental Analysis 3.00 Lurie, I ACAD 220 W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 35346 FORS 6224 MV Criminal Law for Forensic Scientists 3.00 Ambrosino, M ACAD 303 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 31069 FORS 6238 MV Forensic Chemistry I 3.00 Rowe, W ACAD 306 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 31073 FORS 6241 MV Forensic Molecular Biology I 3.00 Podini, D ACAD 303 W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 35136 FORS 6243 MV Forensic Molecular Biology III 3.00 Bille, T AMES B104 W
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 35596 FORS 6251 MV Crime Scene Investigation I 3.00 Eldridge, H AMES B112 T
04:00PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Must register for linked lab. Undergraduates require instructor permission to register for course

OPEN 36311 FORS 6256 MV Forensic Pathology 3.00 Amodio, M ACAD 200 M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25

OPEN 31582 FORS 6292 MV Graduate Seminar 1.00 Eldridge, H AMES B117 M
04:10PM - 06:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 30480 FORS 6295 MV Research ARR 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CLOSED 30481 FORS 6298 MV Forensic Sciences Practicum 1.00 TO 3.00 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

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Printed on :Mar 29, 2025 - 09:38:00 AM
Last Revised : Mar 29, 2025 08:47:13 AM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000