OPEN 81374 EMSE 1001 80 Introduction to Systems Engineering 1.00 Grady, C 1776 G C-119 F
01:30PM - 04:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: This course meets: 10/4/2024 - 12/6/2024. Registration restricted to SEAS freshmen only.
OPEN 81163 APSC 1001 80 Introduction to Engineering for Undeclared Majors 1.00 Grady, C 1776 G C-119 F
01:30PM - 04:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 82172 EMSE 2801 10 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering 3.00 Dano, E TOMP 402 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 82636 EMSE 3740W 10 Systems Thinking and Policy Modeling 0.00 OR 3.00 Gralla, E TOMP 201 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Also register for EMSE 3740W.30 Recitation
OPEN 88180 EMSE 3740W 30 Systems Thinking and Policy Modeling 0.00 Gralla, E SMTH 120 F
11:10AM - 01:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 82665 EMSE 3760 80 Discrete Systems Simulation 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
OPEN 86443 EMSE 6760 80 Discrete Systems Simulation 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80287 EMSE 3850 80 Quantitative Models in Sys Eng 3.00 Santos, J PHIL 736 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
OPEN 84491 EMSE 6850 80 Quantitative Models in Systems Engineering 3.00 Santos, J PHIL 736 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 82162 EMSE 4190 10 Senior Project in Systems Engineering I 3.00 Dano, E TOMP 201 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 81170 EMSE 4198 10 Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to juniors and seniors.

OPEN 84893 EMSE 4198 11 Research 3.00 Santos, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84894 EMSE 4198 12 Research 3.00 Deason, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84895 EMSE 4198 13 Research 3.00 Gralla, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84896 EMSE 4198 14 Research 3.00 Barbera, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84897 EMSE 4198 15 Research 3.00 Francis, R 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84898 EMSE 4198 16 Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84899 EMSE 4198 17 Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84900 EMSE 4198 18 Research 3.00 Shittu, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84901 EMSE 4198 19 Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84902 EMSE 4198 20 Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84903 EMSE 4198 21 Research 3.00 Helveston, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 86739 EMSE 4198 22 Research 3.00 Grady, C 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 80998 EMSE 4410 80 Engineering Economic Analysis 3.00 Ozcanli, S SEH 3040 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
CLOSED 81375 EMSE 6410 80 Survey of Finance and Engineering Economics 3.00 Ozcanli, S SEH 3040 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 85576 EMSE 4572 80 Exploratory Data Analysis 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 402 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
CLOSED 87033 EMSE 6572 80 Exploratory Data Analysis 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 402 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80752 EMSE 4710 80 Applied Optimization Modeling 3.00 Abeledo, H TOMP 201 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
OPEN 80288 EMSE 6710 80 Optimization Models and Algorithms 3.00 Abeledo, H TOMP 201 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 82179 EMSE 4755 80 Quality Control and Acceptance Sampling 3.00 Francis, R TOMP 402 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
OPEN 84113 EMSE 6755 80 Quality Control and Experimental Design 3.00 Francis, R TOMP 402 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 86441 EMSE 6018 10 Engineering Law 3.00 Gayton, C PHIL 640 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80125 EMSE 6020 10 Decision Making with Uncertainty 3.00 Santos, J TOMP 402 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 86845 EMSE 6035 11 Marketing Analytics for Design Decisions 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 201 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84589 EMSE 6115 80 Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V PHIL 209 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 83143 APSC 3115 80 Engineering Analysis III 3.00 Malobrodskaya, V PHIL 209 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80123 EMSE 6220 10 Environmental Management 3.00 Deason, J TOMP 307 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 87756 EMSE 6235 10 Water Quality Management 3.00 Deason, J MON 250 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 87757 EMSE 6240 10 Environmental Hazard Management 3.00 Payosova, I DUQUES 250 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84908 EMSE 6285 10 Analytical Tools for Energy Management 3.00 Yuzugullu, E TOMP 301 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80784 EMSE 6305 10 Crisis and Emergency Management 3.00 Barbera, J BELL 204 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 84909 EMSE 6315 10 Risk Management, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Decision Making 3.00 Fortier, S COR 207 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 81019 EMSE 6320 10 International Disaster Management 3.00 Barbera, J TOMP 402 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 81375 EMSE 6410 80 Survey of Finance and Engineering Economics 3.00 Ozcanli, S SEH 3040 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 80998 EMSE 4410 80 Engineering Economic Analysis 3.00 Ozcanli, S SEH 3040 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80124 EMSE 6430 10 Financial Management for Engineers 3.00 Shittu, E TOMP 406 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84467 EMSE 6540 10 Management of Information and Systems Security 3.00 Baggott, S TOMP 205 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 87033 EMSE 6572 80 Exploratory Data Analysis 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 402 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.
OPEN 85576 EMSE 4572 80 Exploratory Data Analysis 3.00 Helveston, J TOMP 402 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 85848 EMSE 6574 10 Programming for Analytics 3.00 Rossetti, M TOMP 201 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 86726 EMSE 6575 10 Applied Machine Learning for Analytics 3.00 Tsvetovat, M ROME 350 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84910 EMSE 6577 10 Data-Driven Policy 3.00 Broniatowski, D BELL 109 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80288 EMSE 6710 80 Optimization Models and Algorithms 3.00 Abeledo, H TOMP 201 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 80752 EMSE 4710 80 Applied Optimization Modeling 3.00 Abeledo, H TOMP 201 R
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84113 EMSE 6755 80 Quality Control and Experimental Design 3.00 Francis, R TOMP 402 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 82179 EMSE 4755 80 Quality Control and Acceptance Sampling 3.00 Francis, R TOMP 402 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 86443 EMSE 6760 80 Discrete Systems Simulation 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 82665 EMSE 3760 80 Discrete Systems Simulation 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 82143 EMSE 6765 10 Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists 3.00 van Dorp, J TOMP 405 T
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

CLOSED 83687 EMSE 6801 10 Systems Engineering I 3.00 Dano, E GELM 608 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 83688 EMSE 6820 10 Program and Project Management 3.00 Chernicoff, W TOMP 309 R
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84491 EMSE 6850 80 Quantitative Models in Systems Engineering 3.00 Santos, J PHIL 736 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
OPEN 80287 EMSE 3850 80 Quantitative Models in Sys Eng 3.00 Santos, J PHIL 736 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 85430 EMSE 6992 80 SEMINAR IN TRUSTWORTHY AI IN W 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z TOMP 302 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.
OPEN 85431 CSCI 6900 80 Trustworthy AI in Work Systems 0.00 Szajnfarber, Z TOMP 302 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 80546 EMSE 6995 10 Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84911 EMSE 6995 11 Research 3.00 Santos, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84912 EMSE 6995 12 Research 3.00 Deason, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84913 EMSE 6995 13 Research 3.00 Gralla, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84914 EMSE 6995 14 Research 3.00 Barbera, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84915 EMSE 6995 15 Research 3.00 Francis, R 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84916 EMSE 6995 16 Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84917 EMSE 6995 17 Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84918 EMSE 6995 18 Research 3.00 Shittu, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84919 EMSE 6995 19 Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84920 EMSE 6995 20 Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84921 EMSE 6995 21 Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 86722 EMSE 6995 22 Research 3.00 Helveston, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 86723 EMSE 6995 23 Research 3.00 Grady, C 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 80547 EMSE 6998 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84922 EMSE 6998 11 Thesis Research 3.00 Santos, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84923 EMSE 6998 12 Thesis Research 3.00 Deason, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84924 EMSE 6998 13 Thesis Research 3.00 Gralla, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84925 EMSE 6998 14 Thesis Research 3.00 Barbera, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84926 EMSE 6998 15 Thesis Research 3.00 Francis, R 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84927 EMSE 6998 16 Thesis Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84928 EMSE 6998 17 Thesis Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84929 EMSE 6998 18 Thesis Research 3.00 Shittu, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84930 EMSE 6998 19 Thesis Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84931 EMSE 6998 20 Thesis Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84932 EMSE 6998 21 Thesis Research 3.00 Helveston, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 86724 EMSE 6998 22 Thesis Research 3.00 Grady, C 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84933 EMSE 8001 10 Research Methods for Engineering Management and Systems Engineering 3.00 Gralla, E TOMP 306 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 85577 EMSE 8199 10 Praxis Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. REGISTRATION RESTRICTED TO DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS.

OPEN 80545 EMSE 8998 10 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 84934 EMSE 8998 11 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Santos, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84935 EMSE 8998 12 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Deason, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84936 EMSE 8998 13 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Gralla, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84937 EMSE 8998 14 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Barbera, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84938 EMSE 8998 15 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Francis, R 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84939 EMSE 8998 16 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84940 EMSE 8998 17 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84941 EMSE 8998 18 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Shittu, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84942 EMSE 8998 19 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84943 EMSE 8998 20 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 84944 EMSE 8998 21 Advanced Reading and Research ARR Helveston, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 86725 EMSE 8998 22 Advanced Reading and Research 3.00 Grady, C 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80548 EMSE 8999 10 Dissertation Research 3.00 Santos, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80777 EMSE 8999 11 Dissertation Research 3.00 Deason, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80778 EMSE 8999 12 Dissertation Research 3.00 Gralla, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80982 EMSE 8999 13 Dissertation Research 3.00 Barbera, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80788 EMSE 8999 14 Dissertation Research 3.00 Sarkani, S 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80879 EMSE 8999 15 Dissertation Research 3.00 Szajnfarber, Z 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 81713 EMSE 8999 16 Dissertation Research 3.00 Francis, R 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80779 EMSE 8999 17 Dissertation Research 3.00 Mazzuchi, T 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmenal approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 82144 EMSE 8999 18 Dissertation Research 3.00 Broniatowski, D 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 81436 EMSE 8999 19 Dissertation Research 3.00 Shittu, E 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 81020 EMSE 8999 20 Dissertation Research 3.00 Abeledo, H 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 80780 EMSE 8999 21 Dissertation Research 3.00 van Dorp, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 84108 EMSE 8999 22 Dissertation Research 3.00 Helveston, J 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

OPEN 86735 EMSE 8999 23 Dissertation Research 3.00 Grady, C 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Register for this course in the EMSE office. Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to PhD students only.

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Printed on :Jul 16, 2024 - 04:00:21 AM
Last Revised : Jul 16, 2024 03:01:14 AM

© 2024 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000