OPEN 90844 BADM 1002 10 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Hammes, J; Espanola, M DUQUES 451 M
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 91502 BADM 1002 11 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Meadows, S; Espanola, M DUQUES 361 T
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93737 BADM 1002 12 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Hopkins, A; Espanola, M DUQUES 254 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93738 BADM 1002 13 First Year Development Course II 1.00 McLemore, N; Espanola, M FNGR 223 R
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93886 BADM 1002 14 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Hammes, J; Espanola, M DUQUES 651 M
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93897 BADM 1002 15 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Hopkins, A GOV 104 R
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93887 BADM 1002 17 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Meadows, S DUQUES 451 T
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 93896 BADM 1002 18 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M DUQUES 353 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 93889 BADM 1002 19 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; McLemore, N ROME 206 R
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93890 BADM 1002 20 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Christian, W DUQUES 361 R
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 93891 BADM 1002 21 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Christian, W FNGR 221 R
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93892 BADM 1002 22 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Iasnik, H DUQUES 360 T
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

CANCELLED 93893 BADM 1002 23 First Year Development Course II 1.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

WAITLIST 93894 BADM 1002 24 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Ruda, D DUQUES 259 M
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 93895 BADM 1002 25 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Iasnik, H; Espanola, M DUQUES 362 T
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 94621 BADM 1002 28 First Year Development Course II 1.00 Espanola, M; Hutchins, J DUQUES 259 M
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This is a service learning course.
BADM Course Fee  $75.00

OPEN 97094 BADM 1003 10 Transfer Student Development 1.00 Battista, C; Espanola, M DUQUES 259 W
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB transfer students only. Departmental approval required to register. This is a service learning course. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 97095 BADM 1003 11 Transfer Student Development 1.00 Battista, C; Espanola, M DUQUES 259 W
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB transfer students only. Departmental approval required to register. This is a service learning course. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 97096 BADM 1003 12 Transfer Student Development 1.00 Hess, R; Espanola, M DUQUES 360 R
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB transfer students only. Departmental approval required to register. This is a service learning course. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 97097 BADM 1003 13 Transfer Student Development 1.00 Espanola, M; Hess, R 1957 E 308 R
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB transfer students only. Departmental approval required to register. This is a service learning course. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 91506 BADM 1101 10 Organizational Behavior 3.00 Cohen, N FNGR 103 M
11:10AM - 01:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BADM 1101.30-.34. Registration restricted to GWSB freshmen only.

CLOSED 93750 BADM 2003W 10 Analysis of Business Issues 3.00 Crane, B FNGR 209 M
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Also register for one discussion section: BADM 2003W.30,.32, or.34.

CLOSED 93752 BADM 2003W 11 Analysis of Business Issues 3.00 Crane, B FNGR 209 M
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Also register for one discussion section: BADM 2003W.31, .33, .35, or.36.

CLOSED 95440 BADM 2003W 12 Analysis of Business Issues 3.00 Crane, B DUQUES 353 T
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Also register for one discussion section: BADM 2003W.37, .39 or .42.

CLOSED 95441 BADM 2003W 13 Analysis of Business Issues 3.00 Crane, B 1957 E 212 T
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Also register for one discussion section: BADM 2003W.38, .40, .41, or .43.

WAITLIST 90931 BADM 2101 10 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 Davis, H FNGR 222 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 90932 BADM 2101 11 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 Davis, H FNGR 222 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 90933 BADM 2101 12 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 Davis, H 1957 E 213 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 90934 BADM 2101 13 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 96613 BADM 2101 14 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 Davis, H MON B32 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 96614 BADM 2101 15 Management, Organizations, and Society 1.50 Davis, H MON B32 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 93748 BADM 2201 10 International Financial Environment 1.50 Chen, W FNGR 208 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 93749 BADM 2201 11 International Financial Environment 1.50 Chen, W FNGR 208 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 94603 BADM 2201 12 International Financial Environment 1.50 01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 94694 BADM 2201 13 International Financial Environment 1.50 Chen, W FNGR 208 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95672 BADM 2201 14 International Financial Environment 1.50 Chen, W FNGR 208 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/13/14 - 03/05/14
Comments: This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/13/2014-3/5/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 96615 BADM 2201 15 International Financial Environment 1.50 Wang, Y FNGR 208 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
03/06/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course meets during the second half of the semester: 3/6/2014-4/28/2014. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and ESIA students only.

WAITLIST 91503 BADM 2301 10 Management Information Systems Technology 3.00 Duan, W DUQUES 351 M
11:00AM - 01:30PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 91504 BADM 2301 11 Management Information Systems Technology 3.00 Garcia, W DUQUES 351 T
11:00AM - 01:30PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91505 BADM 2301 12 Management Information Systems Technology 3.00 Garcia, W DUQUES 351 W
11:00AM - 01:30PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 95820 BADM 2301 13 Management Information Systems Technology 3.00 Heitman, L ROME 459 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 91637 BADM 2301 14 Management Information Systems Technology 3.00 Castle, J DUQUES 351 S
09:30AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 93149 BADM 2301W 10 Mgt Information Systems Tech 3.00 Cherian, E DUQUES 453 T
01:30PM - 04:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 94124 BADM 3001 10 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Callan, J; Duffy, K DUQUES 451 M
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This course intended for GWSB junior and seniors interested in general career management strategies.

OPEN 94283 BADM 3001 11 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Giridharadas, R; Duffy, K DUQUES 451 T
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course is intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in consulting. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 94284 BADM 3001 12 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Duffy, K; Bickerstaff, C DUQUES 453 R
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors, seniors interested in marketing.

CANCELLED 94285 BADM 3001 13 Career Management Strategy 1.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This course intened for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in sport, event and hopitality management.

OPEN 94286 BADM 3001 14 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Duffy, K; Ruther, B DUQUES 451 T
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in finance and accounting.

OPEN 94287 BADM 3001 15 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Erwin, B; Duffy, K GOV 101 T
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in finance and investment banking.

CANCELLED 94288 BADM 3001 16 Career Management Strategy 1.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB sophomore, juniors and seniors interested in careers in marketing. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 95885 BADM 3001 17 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Duffy, K; Yathiraj, S DUQUES 453 R
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in marketing. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95886 BADM 3001 18 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Ranganathan, D; Duffy, K FNGR 223 R
05:00PM - 05:50PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB sophomores juniors and seniors interested in careers in finance and investment banking. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95887 BADM 3001 19 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Fruehwirth, C FNGR 222 R
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GW students not in the School of Business who have completed 60 credit hours or more. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95888 BADM 3001 20 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Fruehwirth, C DUQUES 254 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GW students not in the School of Business who have completed 60 credit hours or more. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 97418 BADM 3001 21 Career Management Strategy 1.00 Duffy, K; Hand, L DUQUES 453 M
03:55PM - 04:45PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in consulting. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 97419 BADM 3001 22 Career Management Strategy 1.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in consulting. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 90935 BADM 3101 10 Human Resource Management 3.00 McHugh, P DUQUES 258 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GSWB Paris Program in the fall semster. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91097 BADM 3101 11 Human Resource Management 3.00 Hill, N DUQUES 353 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91098 BADM 3101 12 Human Resource Management 3.00 Swiercz, P DUQUES 255 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91185 BADM 3101 13 Human Resource Management 3.00 Burnett, M 2020 K 20 T
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester.

OPEN 91638 BADM 3101 14 Human Resource Management 3.00 Swiercz, P FNGR 222 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91204 BADM 3102 10 Business and Government Relations 3.00 Kim, E DUQUES 359 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for B.B.A, B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors only.

WAITLIST 91205 BADM 3102 11 Business and Government Relations 3.00 Englander, E DUQUES 251 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for B.B.A, B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors only.

CANCELLED 91627 BADM 3102 12 Business and Government Relations 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: This course intended for B.B.A, B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB sophomores, juniors and seniors only.

WAITLIST 94036 BADM 3102 13 Business and Government Relations 3.00 Beales, H DUQUES 151 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB & SEAS juniors and seniors. This course intended for B.B.A, B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 96053 BADM 3102 14 Business and Government Relations 3.00 Patnaik, S DUQUES 255 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB& SEAS juniors and seniors. This course intended for B.B.A., B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 96616 BADM 3102 15 Business and Government Relations 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB & SEAS juniors and seniors. This course intended for B.B.A., B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 97306 BADM 3102 16 Business and Government Relations 3.00 Beales, H FNGR 220 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB & SEAS juniors and seniors. This course intended for B.B.A., B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 97305 BADM 3102W 10 Business/Government Relations 3.00 Beales, H FNGR 208 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB & SEAS juniors and seniors. This course intended for B.B.A., B.Accy and SEAS business concentration programs only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 90970 BADM 3401 10 Basic Marketing Management 3.00 Liebrenz-Himes, M DUQUES 251 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 93768 BADM 3401 11 Basic Marketing Management 3.00 Susko, C DUQUES 251 TR
08:00AM - 09:15AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 93769 BADM 3401 12 Basic Marketing Management 3.00 Rau, P DUQUES 151 MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 96285 BADM 3401 13 Basic Marketing Management 3.00 Krasnikov, A 1957 E 112 MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 92102 BADM 3501 10 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 Pirinsky, C FNGR 207 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 91095 BADM 3501 11 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 Derakhshani, S DUQUES 258 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 92622 BADM 3501 12 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 94674 BADM 3501 13 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 Uyanik, S DUQUES 652
07:10PM - 09:40PM
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester.

WAITLIST 94857 BADM 3501 14 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 Pirinsky, C FNGR 220 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester.

WAITLIST 96221 BADM 3501 15 Financial Management and Markets 3.00 Uyanik, S FNGR 209 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Do not take if attending the GWSB Paris Program in the fall semester. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91096 BADM 3601 10 Operations Management 3.00 Bagchi, P DUQUES 259 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91511 BADM 3601 11 Operations Management 3.00 Bagchi, P DUQUES 151 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 91662 BADM 3601 12 Operations Management 3.00 Altug, M FNGR 222 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 95193 BADM 3601 13 Operations Management 3.00 Altug, M FNGR 209 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 95832 BADM 4101 10 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95833 BADM 4101 11 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 Radin, T FNGR 209 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95834 BADM 4101 12 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 Radin, T FNGR 220 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 95835 BADM 4101 13 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 Radin, T DUQUES 359 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 95836 BADM 4101 14 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 Martin, K DUQUES 251 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

WAITLIST 96059 BADM 4101 15 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 Yan, L DUQUES 152 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 96058 BADM 4101 16 Business Law and Ethics 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 91206 BADM 4801 10 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 Cook, J DUQUES 255 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only.

CANCELLED 91207 BADM 4801 11 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only.

WAITLIST 91628 BADM 4801 12 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 Cook, J DUQUES 255 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only.

WAITLIST 91884 BADM 4801 13 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 Thurman, J PHIL B156 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only.

OPEN 95522 BADM 4801 14 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 Griffin, J DUQUES 254 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only.

OPEN 93778 BADM 4801 15 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 Thurman, J DUQUES 359 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information. Registration restricted to GWSB juniors and seniors only.

CANCELLED 95520 BADM 4801 16 Strategy Formulation and Implementation 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Registration restricted to GWSB and SEAS juniors and seniors only. Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

CANCELLED 97545 BADM 4900 10 Business Analytics 3.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Once this course has closed, an electronic waitlist will be available. Please see: for more information.

OPEN 92291 BADM 4950 10 Internship 0.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.
BADM Course Fee  $25.00

OPEN 91512 BADM 4995 10 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 01/13/14 - 04/28/14
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

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Printed on :Sep 1, 2024 - 05:15:46 AM
Last Revised : Sep 1, 2024 05:01:24 AM

© 2024 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000