
Department Directory


Contact Information

University Student Center,800 21st St., NW
Suite 505
Main Phone
Main Fax
Student Employment
Student Employment/Federal Work Study Email
Student Employment Fax
Cooperative Education Program Email
On Campus Interviewing Program Email
Employer Relations (Including On Campus Interviewing Program)
Handshake Help Desk

About the Department

The George Washington University Center for Career Services offers comprehensive career services, experiential education (cooperative education, internships), and student employment services to students, alumni and employers. We help connect GW students and alumni with employers, employers with potential hires, and students with alumni, providing opportunities for networking and employment. The Career Center is not just for students seeking employment after graduation. We're here to support students using Federal Work Study awards, participating in a co-op, internship or part-time position during their time at GW, or simply exploring various career options.
This listing is maintained by Sharon Testor

This departmental directory is provided for the convenience of members of the University community and others. While efforts are made to keep the directory as up-to-date and accurate as possible, the Department of Human Resource Services (HRS) is the authoritative source for employee information. Therefore, please contact HRS directly at (202) 994-9640 to verify employment. Titles listed in the directory are provided for ease of access to University services and do not always match exactly the official University classification description. The use of such a title is not intended to change the duties and responsibilities outlined in the official classification description.