
Department Directory


Contact Information

2000 Pennsylvania Ave.

About the Department

The Program on Extremism at George Washington University provides analysis on issues related to violent and non-violent extremism. The Program spearheads innovative and thoughtful academic inquiry, producing empirical work that strengthens extremism research as a distinct field of study. The Program aims to develop pragmatic policy solutions that resonate with policymakers, civic leaders, and the general public.
This listing is maintained by Caroline James

This departmental directory is provided for the convenience of members of the University community and others. While efforts are made to keep the directory as up-to-date and accurate as possible, the Department of Human Resource Services (HRS) is the authoritative source for employee information. Therefore, please contact HRS directly at (202) 994-9640 to verify employment. Titles listed in the directory are provided for ease of access to University services and do not always match exactly the official University classification description. The use of such a title is not intended to change the duties and responsibilities outlined in the official classification description.